A Telegram bot that uses CATAAS' API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.
- Python 3
- pyTelegramBotAPI
- requests
- Love for animals 😻😽
First clone this repository, then install required libraries running the command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Replace inside bot.py
file the Telebot constructor parameter with token given by the BotFather and finally run
python3 bot.py
You can try the bot searching @cataas_bot on Telegram.
The bot makes HTTP GET method requests in order to get a json file and delive cats when user sends a Telegram bot command. This bot can send static images sending /cat command, or /gif to receive animated ones.
You can also generate images with some text sending a /cat command with the desired text.
While actually this bot can do few things, CATAAS offers more nice features that requires more free time in order to be implemented. Things that I'd like to implement:
- Receive cats with a tag (e.g. sleeping, cute, meme...)
- Apply filters to images with Telegram commands
- Customize colour and size of texts
Meow 🐱