A Fivem Deathscreen for QBCore Framework. No full resource, just code-snippets for qb-ambulancejob. Enjoy!
^ I have no preview for when you go in to the bed. But that is kind of the same but with just the text that you are getting helped.I will probably make this code more configurable and maybe make this as an contribution to the qb-ambulancejob resource when I get time for it. If anyone from the QB-Core team wants to use this and implement it fully to qb-ambulancejob, be my guest! :)
Also, every text message except for when you are bleeding out is hardcoded for the moment. I will change this as soon as I can, or something..
Why I made this resource for you guys is because I see so many retarded paid-resources which should be free as they take no time to make and there is no effort for such things. To take money from people for so simple resources blows my mind. I've myself never liked paid-resources except for when you have given your blood, sweat and tears to make them and for the time spent, take some small amounts because time is money ofc. But to (in my eyes) scam people like this is what I hate the most with what this community has grown to be.
I hope you enjoy this free resource. As I said, I might make this a little better in the future but it works for $0. If you encounter any problems, make an issue here. If you want to contribute to this project, be my guest!
Please make sure to change all the hardcoded text when you are implementing this to your server, as it's in Swedish from the beginning and I haven't really cared about making it configurable with locales yet!
First of all, add the folder "html"
to qb-ambulancejob
Go to qb-ambulancejob/locales
and find your locales file you are using, example en.lua
Then go ahead and add this code anywhere, like after info
or whatever:
nui = {
respawn_title = "YOU DIED",
respawn_txt = 'RESPAWN IN:<font color="red"> %{deathtime} </font>SECONDS',
respawn_revive = 'HOLD [<font color="green">E</font>] IN<font color="red"> %{holdtime} </font>SECONDS TO RESPAWN FOR $<font color="yellow"> %{cost} </font>',
bleed_out_title = "YOU LOST CONSCIOUSNESS",
bleed_out = 'YOU WILL BLEED OUT IN:<font color="red"> %{time} </font>SECONDS',
bleed_out_help = 'YOU WILL BLEED OUT IN:<font color="red"> %{time} </font>SECONDS',
getting_helped_title = "YOU DIED",
It should look something like this:
Go to qb-ambulancejob/fxmanifest.lua
and add:
ui_page 'html/index.html'
files {
Go to qb-ambulancejob/client/main.lua
and search for hospital:client:SendToBed
then add:
status = 'open',
title = Lang:t('nui.getting_helped_title'),
msg = Lang:t('nui.getting_helped')
Below SetBedCam()
Also search for hospital:client:Revive
and add:
status = "close"
Below ResetPedMovementClipset(player, 0.0)
Go to qb-ambulancejob/client/dead.lua
and search for if not isInHospitalBed then
(Row 149), then change:
if not isInHospitalBed then
if deathTime > 0 then
DrawTxt(0.93, 1.44, 1.0,1.0,0.6, Lang:t('info.respawn_txt', {deathtime = math.ceil(deathTime)}), 255, 255, 255, 255)
DrawTxt(0.865, 1.44, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, Lang:t('info.respawn_revive', {holdtime = hold, cost = Config.BillCost}), 255, 255, 255, 255)
if not isInHospitalBed then
if deathTime > 0 then
status = 'open',
title = Lang:t('nui.respawn_title'),
msg = Lang:t('nui.respawn_txt', {deathtime = deathTime})
status = 'open',
title = Lang:t('nui.respawn_title'),
msg = Lang:t('nui.respawn_revive', {holdtime = hold, cost = Config.BillCost})
Then go down to row 178 and change:
if LaststandTime > Config.MinimumRevive then
DrawTxt(0.94, 1.44, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, Lang:t('info.bleed_out', {time = math.ceil(LaststandTime)}), 255, 255, 255, 255)
DrawTxt(0.845, 1.44, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, Lang:t('info.bleed_out_help', {time = math.ceil(LaststandTime)}), 255, 255, 255, 255)
if not emsNotified then
DrawTxt(0.91, 1.40, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, Lang:t('info.request_help'), 255, 255, 255, 255)
DrawTxt(0.90, 1.40, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, Lang:t('info.help_requested'), 255, 255, 255, 255)
if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) and not emsNotified then
TriggerServerEvent('hospital:server:ambulanceAlert', Lang:t('info.civ_down'))
emsNotified = true
if LaststandTime > Config.MinimumRevive then
status = 'open',
title = Lang:t('nui.bleed_out_title'),
msg = Lang:t('nui.bleed_out', {time = math.ceil(LaststandTime)})
status = 'open',
title = Lang:t('nui.bleed_out_title'),
msg = Lang:t('nui.bleed_out_help', {time = math.ceil(LaststandTime)})