A modern, scratch-built, open-source (GPLv3) alternative ROM BIOS for PC, XT, 8088 Clone or Turbo PCs.
Arduino UNO R4 test-code to demonstrate: 1. Wake-From-Interrupt 2. Change System-Clock divisors 1/1, 1/16, and 1/64 settings 3. Switching between 48MHz HOCO and 8MHz MOCO internal oscillators (and …
terenceang / SDisk2
Forked from suaide/SDisk2SD card interface for Apple 2 computers
A QRP digital transceiver created from readily available parts for off-the-grid maintenance
ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, including webcams. As its development stopped in 2012, I took the task of keeping it updated with the V4L2 API. Thi…
3 implementations of the FFT for Arduino AVR platforms!
A 6502-based computer squeezed onto a single bread board.
A tool to display live spectrogram data from vlfrx-tools and raw (s16_le) streams
An Unofficial Desktop Client for Splatnet2
Arduino hardware package for ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 and ATmega328PB
An open source program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
Proof-of-Concept LUFA Project for the Nintendo Switch. Pretends to be a HORI Pokken Pad which only prints Splatoon 2 Posts
nifty command line date and time utilities; fast date calculations and conversion in the shell