App for scanning the New York Times and creating collections of articles based on specific topics of interest. It is a project application done for module 4 of Flatiron School. This project has several unfinsihed features and bugs that will be worked out in the future. To-dos include:
- repair functionality of React Router
- add custom validation error messages
- enhance styling
- Lisa LaRochelle | lilaro
- Dan Romans | dangrammer
- ruby 2.6.1
- rails ~> 6.0.0
- postgreSQL
- active_model_serializers ~> 0.10.0
- rest-client ~> 2.1.0
- rack-cors
- bcrypt ~> 3.1.7
- jwt ~> 2.2, >= 2.2.1
- dotenv-rails
Link to walkthrough video with narration:
Add, Edit, and Delete Collection
Add and Edit Articles and Notes
- fork (optional) then clone or download this repository to local machine
- use text editor and/or terminal to navigate into
directory - run
bundle install
(orbundle i
) in terminal to install necessary dependencies - run
rails db:create
in terminal to create database - run
rails db:migrate
in terminal to initialize database - create secret keys:
- create a
file in root directory - write secret keys for JWT and NYT API in
- create a
- run
rails db:seed
in terminal to seed database with article data - run
rails s
in terminal to run server in browser at http://localhost:3000/ - install and run Topical frontend
should be characters of your choice for JWT_SECRET_KEY
and an
individually assigned key from the New York Times developer portal for NYT_API_KEY
An API key for the NYT website can be attained by signing up with the NYT Developer Network. It is simple and free to do so. Always include .env
file in .gitignore