Tags: LiuDianshi/lattigo
Merge v1.3.0 branch (closes tuneinsight#12 closes tuneinsight#21) Release of v1.3.0
Merging master_improvements branch as v1.1.0 (closes tuneinsight#4 tu… …neinsight#6 tuneinsight#8) ### Added - CHANGELOG.md file. - BFV: New methods on bfvcontext to access information/stored variables. - BFV: When creating a new batch encoder, an error will now be returned if the plaintext modulus does not allow NTT. - CKKS: New methods on ckkscontext to access information/stored variables. - CKKS: Added marshalling and tests for marshalling. - CKKS: Added default parameters and parameters marshalling. - CKKS (API change): encryption can now also be done with the secret-key. - CKKS (API change): new separate struct for the encoder, that will store a small memory pool for temporary elements. - BFV and CKKS: Operand interface. - Ring: New method MultByVector. - Ring (API change): new Ternary Sampler, which allows to specify the key distribution {-1, 0, 1} -> [(1-p)/2, p, (1-p)/2]; faster than the previous implementation. - GoDoc for BFV, CKKS, Ring, DBFV, and DCKKS. - README for BFV and CKKS. - Code cleaning for all packages. - Minor optimizations for all packages. ### Changed - Updated README.md. - BFV (API change): bfvcontext now only accepts as input a struct of the type Parameters, similar to the one used for DefaultParams. - BFV (API change): removed bfvcontext from ciphertexts and plaintexts. - BFV (API change): encryption can now also be done with the secret-key. - BFV: The value logQ in the bfvcontext now stores the bit size of the product of the ciphertext's moduli. - BFV: The information printed by the tests now better conveys the parameters. - BFV: Updated and optimized default parameters. - BFV: Updated example with secure parameters - CKKS (API change): ckkscontext now only accepts as input a struct of the type Parameters, similar to the one used for DefaultParams. - CKKS (API change): ckkscontext now requires as input the moduli chain (in bit size), instead of a generic logQ and levels. This allows more fine-grained control on the rescaling and levels. - CKKS (API change): removed ckkscontext from ciphertexts and plaintexts. - CKKS: Updated the value logQ in the ckkscontext, which now stores the bit size of the product of the ciphertext's moduli. - CKKS: Updated the information printed by the tests to more reflect the parameters. - BFV and CKKS: greatly simplified the code related to the rotations. - BFV and CKKS: reduced the number of instances where an error could be returned and updated informations of the returning errors. - Ring (API change): changed the API of the validation methode of the context to better reflect its purpose. - BFV/CKKS/Ring : the copy function will now copy the input poly on the target poly (previously the target was copied on the input). - Updates on all packages and tests to comply with the API changes in BFV and CKKS. ### Removed - The evaluator of both BFV and CKKS cannot anymore operate on two plaintexts. They now always returns an element of type Ciphertext. - The contexts of BFV and CKKS will not anymore store their checksum, nor will the evaluator check for context consistency of the input and output elements. ### Fixed - Fixed overflow error that could occure in the basis extension when small and large moduli where used together.
Changed the name of the organization in the and license (tuneinsight#10) Our lab recently changed name for LDS (Laboratory for Data Security).