scripts to run ODRepair
The experiments directory contains all the necessary files to run the whole experiments. All the user need to provide is a file contains the corresponding test.
The victim file contains four column like the following example:
The input file that our experiments use is /experiments/data/victim.csv. This file contains all the 327 tests in our experiments. We also provide a file named data/test.csv which contains only 2 tests for simple use.
bash <path_to_input_file>
After running the shell script, all the results file, files that contain generated tests, and files that contain patches are automatically outputted.
- repos: contain all the necessaey tools with their correponding branch.
- output: store the result file that contains the polluter, time, polluted field (output/overall_results.csv); output/result.csv is the file that only contains the results for one victim to be fed to the next step.
- allFields: store the fields that exist in the passing order/failing order.
- diffFields: store the fields whose values are different between passing order and failing order.
- gen_tests: store the generated tests through Randoop.
- resetters: store the potential reset-methods found by Randoop.
- patches: store the patches that Patcher generates.