Ansible role to create and start LXC containers on proxmox.
This role was tested on Proxmox 5. As of Ansible 2.8 Proxmox6+ is not supported. Follow the Ansible GitHub issues for more information and status updates: ansible/ansible#59164.
The python package proxmoxer
is required on the host you are running ansible from.
In order to use this you will need to specify some required variables. The defaults for the optional variables can be seen in defaults/main.yml
proxmox_api_host: "proxmox_server_hostname"
proxmox_node: "proxmox_server_hostname"
Specify the api server to use and the node to build the container on. These can be the same (ie you don't have a cluster).
proxmox_api_user: proxmox_username
proxmox_api_password: proxmox_password
Specify the username and password used to authenticate with proxmox (consider using ansible-vault to encrypt the password). Note that you will need to specify the authentication type after the username. The default proxmox user is: root@pam
. If you've created proxmox users you would use: username@pve
ct_hostname: "mynewcontainer"
Set the hostname of the new container.
ct_key: "ssh-ed25519 your_ssh_key123abc456 user@host"
Specify an SSH key to use to login to the container. This is used to login to your new container as the root
ct_template: "local:vztmpl/debian-9.0-standard_9.7-1_amd64.tar.gz"
Set the template to use for this container. Note that you can see available containers by running: pveam list local
on the proxmox server (replace local with the storage type that holds your templates).
ct_network: '{"net0":"name=eth0,gw=,ip=,ip6=dhcp,bridge=vmbr0"}' # Use Static IP
ct_network: '{"net0":"name=eth0,ip=dhcp,ip6=dhcp,bridge=vmbr0"}' # Use DHCP
ct_unprivileged: "yes"
Set the container to be unprivileged or not (ok in most cases unless you're working with NFS shares or other system features).
You can optionaly set custom resource values for your container.
ct_cores: 1
ct_cpus: 1
ct_cpuunits: 1000
ct_storage: local-lvm
ct_disk: 3
ct_memory: 512
ct_onboot: yes
ct_swap: 0
- hosts: all
user: root
gather_facts: false
# Required Vars
proxmox_api_user: "root@pam"
proxmox_api_password: "mysecretpassword"
proxmox_api_host: proxmox1
proxmox_node: proxmox1
# Optional Vars
ct_storage: local-lvm
- ansible-role-proxmox-lxc
This role might not work with your configuration and should be updated accordingly.