An extension of <form>
that provides client-side (ajax) form handling and other features. The goal of the project is to package common web form idioms in a flexible and relatively unopinionated web component.
Requires x-tag.
<form is="x-form" action"/api/endpoint/url" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name" required>
<input type="submit">
Creates a form that will POST to /api/endpoint/url using XMLHttpRequest. The submit button will be disabled on the form's submit event.
Returns form input as a JavaScript object by calling the getData()
Adds the disabled
attribute to <input type="submit">
Removes the disabled
attribute from <input type="submit">
Returns form data as a JavaScript object a la the serializeObject jQuery plugin.
Creates a simple XMLHttpRequest to "url
" using "method
" and Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded