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Tags: Logarhythm1/O_C-HemisphereSuite



Toggle 0.96_'s commit message
Set ID of new 'Button' app from Development Hemispheres branch to be …

…59 for this branch to not mess with people's saved states


Toggle 0.95_'s commit message
Setting version to 0.95


Toggle _0.92c_beta_quantize's commit message
Added compile flags to enable/disable the additional Logarhythm mod q…

…uantizer scales alongside app enable/disable (to manage room easier in custom builds)


Toggle _0.92beta_quantize's commit message
Added compile flags to enable/disable the additional Logarhythm mod q…

…uantizer scales alongside app enable/disable (to manage room easier in custom builds)


Toggle 0.92_'s commit message
Upping version to 0.92. Added some scales to the firmware from Distin…

…g Mk.4 that are musically useful for compositions


Toggle 0.9's commit message
TB-3PO: Cleaned up code & comments with some minor CV handling tweaki…

…ng to give a bit more range to density and ensure symmetry for +- values. Cleaned up docs and updated for new features. Added a help page documenting the changes to the core Hemisphere suite. Version 1.9 ready


Toggle 0.8's commit message
TB-3PO: Changed the Density and Scale parameters to take effect on th…

…e next step instead of waiting for a reset pulse to apply. Now tracking the density and scale size that was last used to render things, and if a change is detected during the interval between the clock input and the ADC lag handling of that step, a new amortized re-render is started. Thanks to Muffwiggler User qiemem for the suggestion! Changing version to 1.8.


Toggle 0.6's commit message
TB-3PO: Tightened up var types, ensuring that cv stays unsigned. Clea…

…ned up code a bit.


Toggle 0.92's commit message
Fix Chysn#49


Toggle 0.92_old's commit message
Fix Chysn#49