A modern C++20 library to interact with MongoDB.
This library provides a simple and intuitive library for interacting with a MongoDB.
There are two main parts:
- ThorsSerializer automatically converts C++ objects into BSON (JSON/YAML).
- ThorsMongoAPI sends and receives MongoDB wire protocol messages.
The main goal of this project is to remove the need to write boilerplate code to save/ restore C++ objects into a MongoDB. Using a declarative style an engineer can define the C++ classes and members that need to be serialized into BSON thus allowing them to be inserted into or retrieved directly to/from a MongoDB.
#include "ThorsMongo/ThorsMongo.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class Address
friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Address>;
std::string street;
std::string city;
std::string country;
std::string postCode;
// Add your API here
using Allergies = std::vector<std::string>;
class Person
friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Person>;
std::string name;
std::uint32_t age;
Address address;
Allergies alergies;
// Add your API here
// Make the classes serialize able into BSON.
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Address, street, city, country, postCode);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Person, name, age, address, alergies);
// Define what fields can be used in Search/Update
ThorsMongo_CreateFieldAccess(Person, name); // Search/Update a person by name.
ThorsMongo_CreateFieldAccess(Person, age); // Search/Update a person by age.
ThorsMongo_CreateFieldAccess(Person, address, country); // Search/Update a person by country.
// Define a class that can be used to search for a person by name using 'Eq' (equal)
using FindEqName = ThorsMongo_FilterFromAccess(Eq, Person, name);
// Define a class that can be used to search for a person by age age using 'Gt' (Greater than)
using FindGtAge = ThorsMongo_FilterFromAccess(Gt, Person, age);
// Define a class that increments age
using IncAge = ThorsMongo_UpdateFromAccess(Inc, Person, age);
// Define a class that sets the country.
using SetCountry = ThorsMongo_UpdateFromAccess(Set, Person, address, country);
std::vector<Person> readDataFromFile()
// Read all the people you want to put in the DB
return {};
int main()
using ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::ThorsMongo;
using ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::Query;
std::vector<Person> data = readDataFromFile(); // Write this function to read data from file.
ThorsMongo mongo({"localhost", 27017}, {"DbUser", "UserPassword"});
mongo["DB"]["PeopleCollection"].remove(Query<FindEqName>{"John"}); // Remove all the people named "John"
auto find = mongo["DB"]["PeopleCollection"].find<Person>(FindGtAge{51});// Find all the people over 51
for (auto const& person: find) {
// Now you a person
mongo["DB"]["PeopleCollection"].findAndUpdateOne<Person>(FindEqName{"Tom"}, IncAge{2}); // Increment the age of Tom by 2
mongo["DB"]["PeopleCollection"].findAndUpdateOne<Person>(FindEqName{"Sam"}, SetCountry{"USA"}); // Sam now lives in the USA
Builing the above application:
> export THORS_ROOT=<Location where ThorsMongo Is Installed>
> g++ -std=c++20 Example.cpp -I ${THORS_ROOT}/include -L ${THORS_ROOT}/lib -lThorSerialize -lThorsLogging -lThorsMongo -lThorsSocket
Can be installed via brew on Mac and Linux
> brew install thors-mongo
- Mac: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/thors-mongo
- Linux: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula-linux/thors-mongo
> git clone [email protected]:Loki-Astari/ThorsMongo.git
> cd ThorsMongo
> ./configure
> make
Note: The configure
script will tell you about any missing dependencies and how to install them.
If you have conan installed the conan build processes should work.
> git clone [email protected]:Loki-Astari/ThorsMongo.git
> cd ThorsMongo
> conan build -s compiler.cppstd=20 conanfile.py
To install header only version
> git clone --single-branch --branch header-only https://github.com/Loki-Astari/ThorsMongo.git
Some dependencies you will need to install manually for header only builds.
Magic Enum: https://github.com/Neargye/magic_enum
libYaml https://github.com/yaml/libyaml
libSnappy https://github.com/google/snappy
libZ https://www.zlib.net/
To build on windows you will need to add the flag: /Zc:preprocessor
. These libraries make heavy use of VAR_ARG macros to generate code for you so require conforming pre-processor. See Macro Expansion of VA_ARGS Bug in Visual Studio? for details.