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🎯 Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer

Project Status: Active License: MIT TypeScript React Website

An interactive pathfinding algorithm visualizer built with React and CQRS architecture. Watch algorithms like A*, Dijkstra, and BFS find their way through mazes in real-time.



  • 🔍 Pathfinding solver algorithms
    • A* - Fastest path with heuristic
    • Dijkstra - Guaranteed shortest path
    • BFS - Shortest path for unweighted graphs
    • DFS - Memory-efficient path finding
  • 🎲 Maze generation algorithms
    • Prim's - Random weighted maze
    • Recursive Division - Room-like structures
    • DFS - Long winding passages
  • ⚡ Real-time visualization with step tracking
  • 🎮 Interactive grid controls (drag & draw)
  • ⏯️ Animation controls with adjustable speed


A proof of concept demonstrating how CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) can be effectively implemented in a React frontend application. This project showcases clean architecture principles through an interactive pathfinding visualization, separating read and write operations while maintaining a clear boundary between business logic and UI concerns.

Application Core
   ├── Domain Layer
   │      ├── Commands (SetAlgorithm, PathfindingRunner)
   │      ├── Events (AnimationCompleted, PathfindingCompleted)
   │      ├── Value Objects (Speed, Algorithm, Grid)
   │      └── Entities (Node, Grid)
   ├── Application Layer
   │      ├── Command Handlers
   │      ├── Event Handlers
   │      ├── Query Handlers
   │      └── Sagas
   ├── Infrastructure Layer
   │      ├── CQRS Implementation
   │      ├── Store Management
   │      ├── Animation Manager
   │      └── Data Structures
   └── Presentation Layer
         ├── Components
         ├── Hooks
         └── View Models


The visualizer supports two modes of operation:

Manual Mode

Create custom mazes and obstacles:

  • Draw walls by clicking/dragging
  • Place start and end points
  • Design custom scenarios

Automatic Mode

Let algorithms generate mazes:

  • Choose a maze generation algorithm
  • Grid auto-clears before generation
  • Ensures valid path existence
    [*] --> EmptyGrid: Initial State

    state "Grid Creation" as GridCreation {
        EmptyGrid --> Manual: User Choice
        EmptyGrid --> AutoGen: User Choice

        state "Manual Creation" as Manual {
            [*] --> DrawWalls: Click/Drag
            DrawWalls --> MovePoints: Drag Start/End
            MovePoints --> DrawWalls: Continue Editing

        state "Auto Generation" as AutoGen {
            [*] --> SelectMazeAlgo: Choose Generator
            SelectMazeAlgo --> SetSpeed: Adjust Speed
            SetSpeed --> RunGeneration: Generate
            RunGeneration --> ClearGrid: Auto Clear
            ClearGrid --> GenerateMaze: Create Maze

            state "Generation Animation" as GenAnimation {
                GenerateMaze --> AnimatingMaze: Running
                AnimatingMaze --> PausedMaze: Pause
                PausedMaze --> AnimatingMaze: Resume
                AnimatingMaze --> StoppedMaze: Stop
                AnimatingMaze --> CompleteMaze: Finish
                PausedMaze --> StoppedMaze: Stop
                StoppedMaze --> CompleteMaze: Show Full Maze

    state "Pathfinding" as Pathfinding {
        [*] --> SelectAlgorithm: Choose Algorithm
        SelectAlgorithm --> SetVisualizationSpeed: Set Speed
        SetVisualizationSpeed --> RunVisualization: Start

        state "Solving Animation" as SolveAnimation {
            RunVisualization --> AnimatingSolve: Running
            AnimatingSolve --> PausedSolve: Pause
            PausedSolve --> AnimatingSolve: Resume
            AnimatingSolve --> StoppedSolve: Stop
            AnimatingSolve --> CompleteSolve: Finish
            PausedSolve --> StoppedSolve: Stop
            StoppedSolve --> CompleteSolve: Show Full Path

        CompleteSolve --> DisplayResult: Show

    state DisplayResult {
        [*] --> FinalGrid
        note right of FinalGrid
            - Explored nodes
            - Final path
            - Walls
            - Start/End points
        end note

    Manual --> Pathfinding: Ready
    AutoGen --> Pathfinding: Ready
    CompleteMaze --> Pathfinding: Ready

    note right of AutoGen
        Grid automatically clears
        before generating new maze
        to ensure valid paths
    end note

    note right of Manual
        User must ensure valid
        path exists between
        start and end points
    end note

    DisplayResult --> EmptyGrid: Reset/Clear

Algorithm Controls

  • Start/Stop visualization
  • Adjust animation speed
  • Reset grid
  • Clear path/walls
  • Swap start/end points

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the development server
npm run dev


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.