Thermoelastic coefficent evaluation for Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA)
Here is a simple example on how to use the code:
pip install ThermCoeff
Import packages:
import numpy as np
import pysfmov as sfmov
import ThermCoeff
Thermoelastic coefficient of standard materials is available as:
s = 'steel' # Steel material is chosen
km = ThermCoeff.from_material(s) # Thermoelastic coefficient of steel is obtained
The following materials are available: aluminium, epoxy, glass, magnesium, steel, titanium
If strain gauge calibration is performed and the strain is acquired externally during the experiment:
# Uniaxial strain-gauge
eps = np.random.rand(1000) # Simulated strain from strain-gauge
strain = ThermCoeff.get_strain(eps) # Obtain strain
# Strain-gauge rosette
eps = np.random.rand(1000, 3) # Simulated strain from rosette
configuration = '90' # Angular configuration of the rosette
strain = ThermCoeff.get_strain(eps, configuration) # Obtain strain
Once the strain is obtained (or already known):
filename = './data/rec.sfmov' # Path to the thermal video
data = sfmov.get_data(filename) # Load the data
fs = 400 # Sampling frequency [Hz]
fl = 40 # Load frequency [Hz]
location = 56, 38, 30, 70 # Location of the strain-gauge on the camera field of view
E = 75 * 10**9 # Young Modulus [Pa]
ni = 0.33 # Poisson's ratio
km = ThermCoeff.from_strain_gauge(data, fs, fl, E, ni, strain, location)
Reference: <>