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Multi-container environment with Hadoop, Spark and Hive

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This work is part of the course INFO8002-1 Topics in Distributed Systems.

By Henry Leclipteur, student at the university of Liège.

It was asked (A) to compute the separation degree of any actor and (B) answer the question: What is the average rating of movies per actor ? Using Hadoop and Spark Scala.

The data we used is from the IMDb datasets

I will not explain here the details of the code and the algorithms used, only how to run them and get the results.

See the report for the details on code.

Docker Set up

First we need to deploy an the HDFS-Spark cluster, run:

docker-compose up

While docker do its things, download the files title.principals.tsv and title.ratings.tsv and place them in the "workdir" directory (not mandatory but you will need to change directory to upload data to hdfs).

Once the HDFS-Spark cluster is deployed, let's create folders inside the namenode and hdfs:

docker exec -it namenode bash
mkdir Separation_Degree
mkdir Separation_Degree/Separation_Degree_classes
mkdir AvgRating
mkdir AvgRating/Separation_Degree_classes
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /data/openbeer/WorkDir
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /data/openbeer/WorkDir/inputs

Note: All the command lines listed from here are made to work from the host terminal inside the directory "workdir".

Then upload the data we just downloaded from the host to hdfs:

docker cp title.principals.tsv namenode:title.principals.tsv
docker cp title.ratings.tsv namenode:title.ratings.tsv
docker exec -it namenode bash
hdfs dfs -put -f title.principals.tsv   /data/openbeer/WorkDir/inputs/title.principals.tsv  
hdfs dfs -put -f title.ratings.tsv   /data/openbeer/WorkDir/inputs/title.ratings.tsv  

That's it we are all set up to run the different algorithms !

Separation Degree using Hadoop

To calculate the separation degree of any actor, we will use the file "". It will compute the sepration degree of all actors given a certain actor (or a list of actor).

Here we will calculate the Streep number (Meryl Streep).

Code of known actors:

  • Meryl Streep nm0000658
  • Kevin Bacon nm3636162

The code of any actor can be found in the IMDb datasets thanks to the file "name.basic.tsv".

First upload the file "" and compile it:

docker cp namenode:Separation_Degree/
docker exec -it namenode bash
hdfs dfs -put -f Separation_Degree/ /data/openbeer/WorkDir/
javac -d Separation_Degree/Separation_Degree_classes Separation_Degree/ -cp $(hadoop classpath)
jar -cvf Separation_Degree/Separation_Degree.jar -C Separation_Degree/Separation_Degree_classes/ .

Then remove the folder "output_sep_deg" (if existing) and run the code:

hdfs dfs -rm -r /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_sep_deg
hadoop jar Separation_Degree/Separation_Degree.jar org.myorg.Separation_Degree /data/openbeer/WorkDir/inputs/title.principals.tsv /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_sep_deg

Finally retreive the output from hdfs to the host using:

rm -r part-00000
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_sep_deg/Final/part-00000
docker cp namenode:part-00000 output.txt 

And that's it, we have the separation degree of all actors from a given actor in "output.txt".

The ouput if of the form SEP_ACTOR \t ACTOR \t DISTANCE.

The ACTOR has a separation degree of DISTANCE from SEP_ACTOR and SEP_ACTOR, ACTOR are the codes of the actors.

A Distance of 2147483647 means the actor is not connected to the separation actor.

The output I generated is at workdir/outputs/MR_Sep_Deg.txt.

Average Rating using Hadoop

To calculate the average rating of all actors, we will use the file "". It will compute the average rating for all actors (average rating of all films the actor played in).

First upload the file "" and compile it:

docker cp namenode:AvgRating/
docker exec -it namenode bash
hdfs dfs -put -f AvgRating/ /data/openbeer/WorkDir/
javac -d AvgRating/AvgRating_classes AvgRating/ -cp $(hadoop classpath)
jar -cvf AvgRating/AvgRating.jar -C AvgRating/AvgRating_classes/ .

Then remove the folder "output_avg_rating" (if existing) and run the code:

hdfs dfs -rm -r /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_avg_rating
hadoop jar AvgRating/AvgRating.jar org.myorg.AvgRating /data/openbeer/WorkDir/inputs /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_avg_rating

Finally retreive the output from hdfs to the host using:

rm -r part-00000
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /data/openbeer/WorkDir/output_avg_rating/Final/part-00000
docker cp namenode:part-00000 outputs/output.txt 

And that's it, we have the average rating of all actors in "output.txt".

The ouput if of the form ACTOR \t AVGRATING.

ACTOR is the code of the actor and AVGRATING is the average rating of the actor.

The output I generated is at workdir/outputs/MR_AvgRating.txt.

Separation Degree using Spark Scala

We will use here the file "Separation_Degree.scala".

To run the code:

docker exec -it spark-master bash
cd /opt/info8002/
/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark://spark-master:7077
:load Separation_Degree.scala

The output is located in workdir/outputs/SCALA_SEP_DEG.txt

The ouput if of the form (ACTOR, DISTANCE).

The ACTOR has a separation degree of DISTANCE.

ACTOR are the codes of the actors.

A Distance of 2147483647 means the actor is not connected to the separation actor.

The output we generated is at workdir/outputs/SCALA_SEP_DEG.txt.

Average Rating using Spark Scala

We will use here the file "AverageRating.scala".

To run the code:

docker exec -it spark-master bash
cd /opt/info8002/
/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark://spark-master:7077
:load AverageRating.scala

The output is located in workdir/outputs/SCALA_AvgRating.txt

The ouput if of the form ACTOR \t AVGRATING.

ACTOR is the code of the actor and AVGRATING is the average rating of the actor.

The output I generated is at workdir/outputs/SCALA_AvgRating.txt.

Execution Times

Program Execution Time 36m 20sec 4 min
AverageRating.scala 58 sec

The specification of my laptop:

  • Model: Predator PH315-53
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
  • Ram: 16,0 Go
  • OS: Windows 10

I made videos demonstrating the execution of each program:

The analysis of the execution times are in the report.


Multi-container environment with Hadoop, Spark and Hive






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  • Shell 31.6%
  • Java 27.0%
  • Scala 22.4%
  • Dockerfile 13.1%
  • Makefile 3.3%
  • CSS 2.6%