Hi! This website is built with React + TypeScript + Vite, and being currently worked on.
You can find the code for the metaball background in here.
React.js, TypeScript, JavaScript
import './metaball.js';
<script src="metaball.js"/>
You can find the code for cute animal cursor in here
React.js, TypeScript, JavaScript
- Import Library (You might need to add @ts-ignore)
import AnimalClicks from './index.js';
- Define class
new AnimalClicks(['🦝'],
2000, 1, 180, 2.5, 4.5, 0.075, 10, 10,
random: false,
physics: true,
fade: true,
hideCursor: true
3. Define class in index.js
new AnimalClicks(['🦝'],
2000, 1, 180, 2.5, 4.5, 0.075, 10, 10,
random: false,
physics: true,
fade: true,
hideCursor: true
- Embed JavaScript
<script src="index.js"/>
Currently under development for this page :)