Okapi Barcode is an open-source barcode generator written entirely in Java, supporting over 50 encoding standards, including all ISO standards. Okapi Barcode is based on Zint, an open-source barcode encoding library developed in C, and builds on the years of work that have been invested in that project.
- Australia Post variants:
- Standard Customer
- Reply Paid
- Routing
- Redirection
- Aztec Code
- Aztec Runes
- Channel Code
- Codabar
- Codablock F
- Code 11
- Code 128 with automatic subset switching
- Code 16k
- Code 2 of 5 variants:
- Matrix 2 of 5
- Industrial 2 of 5
- IATA 2 of 5
- Datalogic 2 of 5
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- ITF-14
- Deutsche Post Leitcode
- Deutsche Post Identcode
- Code 32 (Italian pharmacode)
- Code 3 of 9 (Code 39)
- Code 3 of 9 Extended (Code 39 Extended)
- Code 49
- Code 93
- Code One
- Composite
- Data Matrix
- Dutch Post KIX Code
- EAN variants:
- EAN-13
- EAN-8
- Grid Matrix
- GS1 DataBar variants:
- GS1 DataBar
- GS1 DataBar Stacked
- GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional
- GS1 DataBar Expanded variants:
- GS1 DataBar Expanded
- GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked
- GS1 DataBar Limited
- Japan Post
- Korea Post
- MaxiCode
- MSI (Modified Plessey)
- PDF417 variants:
- PDF417
- Truncated PDF417
- Micro PDF417
- Pharmacode
- Pharmacode Two-Track
- QR Code
- Royal Mail 4 State (RM4SCC)
- Telepen variants:
- Telepen
- Telepen Numeric
- UPC variants:
- USPS OneCode (Intelligent Mail)
gradlew check
: Compiles and runs all quality checks, including the unit tests.
gradlew jar
: Builds the JAR file.
gradlew uploadArchives
: Deploys to Maven Central (requires a modified gradle.properties file).
NOTE: The unit tests should all pass under Oracle JDK, but will probably not all pass under OpenJDK. The tests verify barcode rendering image output, and the output images generated by OpenJDK are a bit different from the output images generated by the Oracle JDK (because their 2D graphics and font subsystems are slightly different).