from import NetworkAPI
private_key = Key()
print(f"Private key: {private_key.to_wif()}")
print(f"Address: {private_key.address}")
def create_and_sign_transaction(private_key, to_address, amount): # Create a new transaction tx = private_key.create_transaction([(to_address, amount, 'btc')], fee=100)
# Sign the transaction
signed_tx = private_key.sign_transaction(tx)
return signed_tx
if name == "main": # Generate new private key and address private_key = Key() address = private_key.address
print("Your new cold wallet has been generated.")
print(f"Address: {address}")
print(f"Private key (WIF): {private_key.to_wif()}")
# To create and sign a transaction (do this offline)
# Replace 'to_address' with the recipient's Bitcoin address
# Replace 'amount' with the amount to send in BTC
to_address = "recipient_bitcoin_address_here"
amount = 0.001 # Amount in BTC
# Create and sign the transaction
signed_tx = create_and_sign_transaction(private_key, to_address, amount)
print(f"Signed transaction: {signed_tx}")
# To broadcast the transaction (do this online)
# NetworkAPI.broadcast_tx(signed_tx)