Welcome to the repository of the "Testing an insect-plant circular system based on black soldier fly and duckweed" article
by Luis Rodrigo Arce-Valdés, Hayat Mahdjoub, Lauren Bianco, Jordi Vilanova, Negar Hafezi Bafti, Alma Karina Moncivais-Gomez & Rassim Khelifa
In this manuscript we desgined and tested a circular food system in which duckweed could be grown using BSF frass and then duckweed could be used as food suplement for BSF rearing. Our manuscript is broadly divided into two sections. Two experiments involving the usage of BSF frass as duckweed fertilizer and three experiments exploring the usage of duckweed as BSF feed.
This repository is divided into two main sections following the conceptual categorization of our manuscript sections:
: This directory contains data and scripts related to experiments testing BSF as duckweed fertilizer. This directory contains two subdirectories, each with the contents of the two experiments we performed.
: This directory contains data and script related to experiments testing duckweed as BSF feed. This directory contains two subdirectories, each with the contents of the three experiments we performed.
: This directory contains the final editions of the figures presented in the manuscript.
Within each sub-directory the following elements can be found:
- bin: Contains the R script used for the data analysis of each experiment.
- data: Contains UTF-8 csv files with input data of each experiment.
- results: Contains final plots created with R, output files of the statistical analyses and text files with R log output texts
If you require help with the usage of this repository, don't hesitate in sending me an email at [email protected]