Full-featured Instagram client built with SproutCore 2.0 and the Browser Package Manager (BPM) tools.
A simplified client can be found at: http://github.com/luissala/demogram-basic
Touch gesture support on iOS.
- Tap an image to view details.
- Pinch and pan to zoon on the image in the details view.
BPM - http://getbpm.org or http://sproutcutter.heroku.com
$ gem install bpm
Strobe - http://home.strobeapp.com
$ gem install strobe
Obtain a Client ID from http://instagram.com/developer then copy lib/config.sample.js to config.js and edit config.js to insert your Client ID.
This app makes use of the Strobe proxy and Strobe Social Addon.
From your project directory run:
$ strobe preview
Open http://localhost:9292 in your browser.