java-unittesting-vendingmachine Public
Forked from treehouse-projects/java-unittesting-vendingmachineProject accompanying the Treehouse Unit Testing In Java Course
Java UpdatedJun 21, 2017 -
AndroidArchitecture Public
Forked from iammert/AndroidArchitectureRecommended architecture by Android
Java UpdatedJun 19, 2017 -
racha-conta-android Public
Forked from orogersilva/racha-conta-androidAplicativo para a plataforma Android que auxilia ao rachar a conta em happy hours entre amigos.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 22, 2017 -
vb-android-app-quality Public
Forked from vincentbrison/vb-android-app-qualitySample android project using Gradle, with basic quality tools set up.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2017 -
BeerProgressView Public
Forked from andyb129/BeerProgressViewA library that lets you create a beer styled progress view with bubbles and all! (hic).
Java UpdatedJan 3, 2017 -
digitus Public
Forked from evilcore/digitusA library that heavily simplifies the use of Marshmallow's Fingerprint API (Nexus Imprint).
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2016 -
Spoon-Knife Public
Forked from octocat/Spoon-KnifeThis repo is for demonstration purposes only.
HTML UpdatedMay 10, 2016 -
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