- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- in/lucasmacielf
- lu_k4x
react-native-scaffolding Public
My scaffolding using of React Native using TailwindCSS + shadcn UI (NativeWind + Nativecn UI).
github-readme-stats Public
Forked from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
apple-store Public
🛍️ Apple Store - The best Apple E-Commerce | NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind CSS...
netflix-start-page-clone Public
Ⓝ Netflix Home - Netflix Home page clone | Javascript, CSS and HTML.
cook-app Public
Cook App - Simple Recipes Suggestion Mobile App | React Native, Expo, Supabase...
codeburger-v2 Public
🍔 CodeBurger v2 - FullStack project for a Web Platform for a Burger Restaurant | React.js, Sequelize, Styled-Components...
login-flux Public
🌐 LogIn Flux - A complete user authentication flow in ReactJS and Firebase | ReactJS, Firebase, React Hook Form...
📷 Github Banner V1 - A custom Banner to my Github Profile | CSS and HTML.
Spotify-Readme Public
Forked from tthn0/Spotify-ReadmeA dynamic, customizable, and real-time Spotify now-playing widget made for GitHub markdown files!
gql-users Public
👤 GQL Users - Simple users crud in GraphQL + Vite | React, Type-GraphQL, Typescript...
delta-code-calendar Public
📅 Delta Code - Teste técnico de Calendário | ReactJS, Styled Components, Javascript...
currency-converter Public
💱 Currency Converter - Convert Real to Euro, Dollar, and Yen | HTML, CSS and Javascript.
iManager-json-server Public
🪙 iManager API - A JSON-Server API to store iManager Interface data | NodeJS, Javascript, JSON-Server...
dev-burger-order-log-API Public
🍔 CodeBurger API - A Node API to store the CodeBurger Interface data | NodeJS, Javascript, ExpressJS...
user-register-API Public
👥 Users API - A Node API to store Users Interface data | NodeJS, Javascript, ExpressJS...
user-register-interface Public
👥 Users Interface - A ReactJS interface for registering and managing users | ReactJS, Javascript, Styled-Components...
react-imask Public
IMask in React - A template to use IMask in ReactJS | ReactJS, IMaskJS, Styled Components...
gencard Public
💳 GenCard - Form filling and generation of a custom credit card | Sass, IMask, Regex...
iManager Public
🪙 iManager Interface - A web business management platform that registers and manages projects | ReactJS, Javascript, CSS-Module...
🍔 CodeBurger Interface - A web application that registers and manages orders for a hamburger shop | ReactJS, Bootstrap, Styled-Components...
viaCEP-API Public
📮 viaCEP - A CEP query web application | Bootstrap, JQuery, Javascript...
copa-web Public
⚽ NLW Copa Web Interface - A world cup themed application that registers and manages pools, games and users | NextJS, ReactJS, Tailwind...
copa-server Public
⚽ NLW Copa Server - A Prisma/NodeJS API to store the Copa Interfaces data | Typescript, Prisma, Fastify...
copa-mobile Public
⚽ NLW Copa Mobile Interface - A Mobile Application for Copa Web Interface | React Native, NativeBase, Phosphor...
playstation-store Public
🎮 PlayStation Store - PlayStation peripherals E-commerce | Javascript, CSS and HTML.
project-collor Public
🟪 Collor Gradients - A sales page for a company specializing in gradients | Javascript, CSS and HTML.
projeto-calculadora Public
🖩 Web Calculator - A Web Calculator using eval JS Method | HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
nlw-Heat-Origin- Public
📛 Github badge - A badge using dynamic info fetched from my github profile | HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
todo-list Public
✅ To-do List - A task list that saves tasks to local storage | Javascript, CSS and HTML.