2D LiDAR scanner simulator with map editor implemented in C++ / ROS
Reproduction of ECCV 2020 NeRF and its subsequent works (mip NeRF, 360, Ref NeRF, info-NeRF) in PyTorch.
A physically based mesh renderer named Ada Path Tracer based on Taichi lang
3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook, published by Packt.
Source Code (Direct Lighting Part) for SIGGRAPH 2024 Paper "Area ReSTIR: Resampling for Real-Time Defocus and Antialiasing"
The modified differential Gaussian rasterization in the CVPR 2024 highlight paper: GS-SLAM: Dense Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting.
Personal hobby project to experiment with various rendering techniques.
Stable Diffusion and Flux in pure C/C++
Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
GPU 3D SDF generator using DirectX 11 compute shader
Writing a CUDA software ray tracing renderer from scratch: a renderer with Analysis-Driven Optimization
DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
White furnace test implementation for GGX/Smith
NVIDIA DLSS is a new and improved deep learning neural network that boosts frame rates and generates beautiful, sharp images for your games
This repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows.
VUDA is a header-only library based on Vulkan that provides a CUDA Runtime API interface for writing GPU-accelerated applications.
A Python package for calling Slang modules from PyTorch.