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345 committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 15da475 commit 3e734a1
Showing 1 changed file with 242 additions and 0 deletions.
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions 性能优化相关/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ manager.memoryClass

我使用的手机内存是 16 g,调用返回的是 256Mb,

> manager.memoryClass 对应 build.prop 中 dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit
#### 申请更大的堆内存

Expand All @@ -141,6 +143,14 @@ manager.largeMemoryClass

可分配的最大对内存上限,**需要在 manifest 文件中设置 android:largeHeap="true" 方可启用**

> manager.largeMemoryClass 对应 build.prop 中 dalvik.vm.heapsize
#### Runtime.maxMemory


#### /system/build.prop

该目录是Android内存配置相关的文件,里面保存了系统的内存的限制等数据,执行 adb 命令可看到 Android 配置的内存相关信息:
Expand All @@ -162,3 +172,235 @@ dalvik.vm.heapsize=256m #所有情况下(包括设置android:largeHeap="true"


### OOM 演示

#### 堆内存分配失败

堆内存分配失败对应的是 /art/runtime/gc/ ,如下代码

oid Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(Thread* self, size_t byte_count, AllocatorType allocator_type) {
// If we're in a stack overflow, do not create a new exception. It would require running the
// constructor, which will of course still be in a stack overflow.
if (self->IsHandlingStackOverflow()) {
std::ostringstream oss;
size_t total_bytes_free = GetFreeMemory();
oss << "Failed to allocate a " << byte_count << " byte allocation with " << total_bytes_free
<< " free bytes and " << PrettySize(GetFreeMemoryUntilOOME()) << " until OOM,"
<< " target footprint " << target_footprint_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)
<< ", growth limit "
<< growth_limit_;

通过上面的分析,我们也知道系统对每个应用都做了最大内存的约束,超过这个值就会 OOM ,下面通过一段代码来演示一下这种类型的 OOM
fun testOOM() {
val manager = requireContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager
Timber.e("app maxMemory ${manager.memoryClass} Mb")
Timber.e("large app maxMemory ${manager.largeMemoryClass} Mb")
Timber.e("current app maxMemory ${Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024} Mb")
var count = 0
val list = mutableListOf<ByteArray>()
while (true) {
Timber.e("count $count total ${count * 20}")
list.add(ByteArray(1024 * 1024 * 20))

上面代码中每次申请 20mb,测试分为两种情况,

1. 未开启 largeHeap:

E app maxMemory 256 Mb
E large app maxMemory 512 Mb
E current app maxMemory 256 Mb
E count 0 total 0
E count 1 total 20
E count 2 total 40
E count 3 total 60
E count 4 total 80
E count 5 total 100
E count 6 total 120
E count 7 total 140
E count 8 total 160
E count 9 total 180
E count 10 total 200
E count 11 total 220
E count 12 total 240
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 20971536 byte allocation with 12386992 free bytes and 11MB until OOM, target footprint 268435456, growth limit 268435456
可以看到一共分配了 12次,在第十二次的时候抛出了异常,显示 分配 20 mb 失败,空闲只有 11 mb,
2. 开启 largeHeap
app maxMemory 256 Mb
large app maxMemory 512 Mb
current app maxMemory 512 Mb
E count 0 total 0
E count 1 total 20
E count 2 total 40
E count 3 total 60
E count 4 total 80
E count 5 total 100
E count 6 total 120
E count 7 total 140
E count 8 total 160
E count 9 total 180
E count 10 total 200
E count 11 total 220
E count 12 total 240
E count 13 total 260
E count 14 total 280
E count 15 total 300
E count 16 total 320
E count 17 total 340
E count 18 total 360
E count 19 total 380
E count 20 total 400
E count 21 total 420
E count 22 total 440
E count 23 total 460
E count 24 total 480
E count 25 total 500
Process: com.dzl.duanzil, PID: 31874
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 20971536 byte allocation with 8127816 free bytes and 7937KB until OOM, target footprint 536870912, growth limit 536870912
可以看到分配了25 次,可使用的内存也增加到了 512 mb
#### 创建线程失败
线程创建会消耗大量的内存资源,创建的过程涉及 java 层 和 native 层,本质上是在 native 层完成的,对应的是 /art/runtime/ ,如下代码
void Thread::CreateNativeThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_peer, size_t stack_size, bool is_daemon) {
env->SetLongField(java_peer, WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_nativePeer, 0);
std::string msg(child_jni_env_ext.get() == nullptr ?
StringPrintf("Could not allocate JNI Env: %s", error_msg.c_str()) :
StringPrintf("pthread_create (%s stack) failed: %s",
PrettySize(stack_size).c_str(), strerror(pthread_create_result)));
ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);


<img src="" alt="2841684743512_.pic" style="zoom:50%;" />

根据上图可以看到主要有两部分,分别是创建 JNI Env 和 创建线程

##### 创建 JNI Env 失败

1. FD 溢出导致 JNIEnv 创建失败

E/art: ashmem_create_region failed for 'indirect ref table': Too many open files java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Could not allocate JNI Env at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method) at java.lang.Thread.start(

2. 虚拟内存不足导致 JNIEnv 创建失败

E OOM_TEST: create thread : 1104
W com.demo: Throwing OutOfMemoryError "Could not allocate JNI Env: Failed anonymous mmap(0x0, 8192, 0x3, 0x22, -1, 0): Operation not permitted. See process maps in the log." (VmSize 2865432 kB)
E InputEventSender: Exception dispatching finished signal.
E MessageQueue-JNI: Exception in MessageQueue callback: handleReceiveCallback
MessageQueue-JNI: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Could not allocate JNI Env: Failed anonymous mmap(0x0, 8192, 0x3, 0x22, -1, 0): Operation not permitted. See process maps in the log.
E MessageQueue-JNI: at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method)
E MessageQueue-JNI: at java.lang.Thread.start(

E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.demo, PID: 3533
E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Could not allocate JNI Env: Failed anonymous mmap(0x0, 8192, 0x3, 0x22, -1, 0): Operation not permitted. See process maps in the log.
E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method)
E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.Thread.start(

##### 创建线程失败

1. 虚拟机内存不足导致失败

native 通过 FixStackSize 设置线程大小

static size_t FixStackSize(size_t stack_size) {
if (stack_size == 0) {
stack_size = Runtime::Current()->GetDefaultStackSize();
stack_size += 1 * MB;
if (kMemoryToolIsAvailable) {
stack_size = std::max(2 * MB, stack_size);
} if (stack_size < PTHREAD_STACK_MIN) {
stack_size = PTHREAD_STACK_MIN;
if (Runtime::Current()->ExplicitStackOverflowChecks()) {
stack_size += GetStackOverflowReservedBytes(kRuntimeISA);
} else {
stack_size += Thread::kStackOverflowImplicitCheckSize +
stack_size = RoundUp(stack_size, kPageSize);
return stack_size;

W/libc: pthread_create failed: couldn't allocate 1073152-bytes mapped space: Out of memory
W/tch.crowdsourc: Throwing OutOfMemoryError with VmSize 4191668 kB "pthread_create (1040KB stack) failed: Try again"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: pthread_create (1040KB stack) failed: Try again
at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(
2. 线程数量超过限制
fun testOOM() {
var count = 0
while (true) {
val thread = Thread(Runnable {
Timber.e("current thread count $count")
通过打印日志发现,一共创建了 2473 个线程,当然这些线程都是没有任务的线程,报错信息如下所示
pthread_create failed: couldn't allocate 1085440-bytes mapped space: Out of memory
Throwing OutOfMemoryError "pthread_create (1040KB stack) failed: Try again" (VmSize 4192344 kB)

Process: com.dzl.duanzil, PID: 18085
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: pthread_create (1040KB stack) failed: Try again
at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method)

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