GLEngine is an OpenGL game engine that I started working on in summer of 2017. It
gonna be open source and free of course, I've put the © symbol while I'm looking for the
appropiate license.
GLEngine is not its definitive name, I'll think on it later when it is possible to do
something playable with it.
I intend to get it working with 2D for now. I'll try to do some kind of map editor so it's
easy to create levels and that stuff.
GLEngine uses some libraries as GLFW to work. I'll list them later, as well as all things you
have to do to get it working. I have to investigate how to make a project like this one portable
over all platforms (I have zero idea...).
Everything may look messy sorry, I'll do my best to improve it and keep it clean, just don't try
to use it for now.
More info about me can be found on my website.
Contact me if there's any problem via email: [email protected]
© 2017 Lydzje - All rights reserved for now, just ask me