Open-source scripting language for writing interactive fictions
uGUI layout group that makes children respect the Safe Area. It drives children's anchors and supports LayoutElement.ignoreLayout
Prefab instance pool that is configurable in the Inspector, supports any engine Object type and is available as a serializable C# class, MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject
A Curated List of Multiplayer Game Network Programming Resources
Cubzh is a User Generated Social Universe, an online platform where all items, avatars, games, and experiences are made by users from the community.
A simple yet useful Drawer for displaying notes in the Unity Inspector
Simple car controller for Unity requiring only a body with four wheels.
2d Delaunay triangulation with mesh refinement for Unity with Burst compiler
Extend Unity TextMeshPro with custom tags and text animations
The DevAccelerationSystem helps to enable features to speed up development iteration from code perspective. It includes ProjectCompilation checks for all your target platforms with different script…
Unity multiple approaches for GPU instanced grass (+ occlusion/frustum culling)
Automatically set controller prompts in text and icons in your Unity game UI.
A tool for adjusting bone proportions in real time for Unity Humanoid Rigs.
MotionKit is a Unity engine tool that animates anything. It is very similar to DOTween, but with inspector super powers and a few tweaks that makes it simpler to use and learn.
Highly efficient realtime fulldome toolkit for Unity. Supports a novel single-view Dome Warp approach and traditional cubemap rendering. Supports NDI Video and Audio.
⏳🐌 Assets and scripts for animating Unity objects.
Open source mesh slicing/fracturing utility for Unity
Free inspector attributes for Unity [Custom Editor, Custom Inspector, Inspector Attributes, Attribute Extensions]
Procedural Grass System with Compute Shaders in Unity
UI blur (translucent) effect for Unity.
(Unity3D) Test multiplayer without building