In this task, we 're going to deploy the Infra of GKE with a custom VPC using Terrafom
. Also, we enabled the autoscaling on the level of worker nodes and the HPA for the pods.
After the Infra is up and running, we 're going to deploy a simple angular application using helm
and expose this app to use HTTPS using ingress.
We 're going to create a GKE cluster with 1 node and enable the autoscaling feature in the us-central1-a zone
cd terrafrom-gke terrafrom init terrafrom apply
- Copy the certificate and the private key under the cert folder cd cert kubectl create secret tls devops-task --cert cert --key key
kubectl apply -f
We already enabled the ingress and the hpa in the values.yml
helm install test helm
kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --rm --image=busybox --restart=Never -- /bin/sh -c "while sleep 0.01;001 do wget -q -O- http:////test-helm; done"
open a new terminal and check the number of replicas, the max is
kubectl get pods
kubectl run stress --image=nginx
kubectl exec -it stress -- /bin/sh
apt update ; apt install stress -y
stress --cpu 6 --io 3 --vm 5 --vm-bytes 10240M --timeout 200s
- After 2-3 minutes, run
kubectl get nodes
to see the new nodes