Python Flask Dashboard made with Bootstrap for managing a Bitcoin node (tried on Ubuntu/OSX). Can be accessed by anyone on the local network and works on both desktop and mobile.
Currently for bitcoind/lnd. I may work on a c-lightning version if there's any interest.
Thanks to @wintercooled for the inspiration.
First up, we'll install virtualenv.
sudo apt install virtualenv
Clone the repo into the directory of your choosing.
git clone
Into the folder and create the virtual environment.
cd FlaskBitcoinDashboard
virtualenv venv
Activate the virtual environment.
source venv/bin/activate
Download Flask, the Bitcoin RPC tools and a QR code module.
pip install flask
pip install python-bitcoinrpc
pip install pyqrcode
Now for the Lightning part (based off this guide).
pip install grpcio grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos
git clone
curl -o rpc.proto -s
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=googleapis:. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. rpc.proto
Almost there. You need to input your own RPC credentials.
sudo nano app/
Edit the variables: rpc_user, rpc_password, rpc_port and allowed_ip, as well as lnd_dir_location
exit that (CTRL+X, y to save the changes) and export the Flask app.
Voila! To run the server:
flask run --host=
Go to any web browser on your network and enter the IP address of the node + port 5000, i.e.
Alternatively, you can specify a port by running flask run --host= --port=[number]
CTRL + C to close the server.
Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.