Press Ralt(altGR) + ; then release keys and press a, to create ä, or press shift+a to create Ä. press Ralt + ' then release and press e to create é. press Ralt+shift+ o then realease the keys and press 1 to create French œ, Œ. Press Ralt+g, release keys and then press a for α, likewise β - I don't know why gamma is not under c or y, will change that.
the order of pressing matters
There are many languages and their unique symbols almost fully covered here like German, Polish, French, Russian, Greek, some macaroni symbols, some IPA symbols, etc. Please contribute to it for more languages and correct unintuitive hotkeys like for greek gamma.
In the future emotikons should be added and make certain symbols more intuitive.
To run the program, all you need is to intall AutoHotKey, and then double click on the .ahk file to run. On windows you can set it up to start manually on windows by adding it to doucments AutoHotKey and linking it to startup windows programs. On linux, Mac do likewise.
:) þθ3ʈt3͡ʃωυ