Let me ask is a platform that aims to connect people facilitating communication and making it more direct between teacher ( the person who will answer the questions ) and student ( the person who will ask the questions ) by creating Q&A rooms ( questions and answers ).
Application developed during the Next Level Week #6, NLW, of Rocketseat
Remembering that you need to have a Figma account to access it.
This project was developed using the following technologies:
Clone the project and access the folder.
$ git clone https://github.com/M-RaquelCS/Letmeask.git
$ cd Letmeask
Install the dependencies.
$ yarn
npm i
Start the project.
yarn start
npm start
You can have access to the applicattion by link: Letmeask
- Responsiveness
- Theme Dark and Light
- Commmunication of comments
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.