The project is a very simple financial control application, just listing cash incoming and outgoing transactions. The main goal in this project is deepen the study on ReactJS, starting development with create-react-app, without having to learn and configure many build tools. We work with accessibility in the use of react-modal, a functional component, general purpose, where it comes configured keyboard navigation, among other accessibility. We use MirageJS to create a fake database in order to be able to register transactions, return them in a list.
You can view the project layout through this link.You must have an account with Figma to access it.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- TypeScript
- ReactJS
- MirageJS
- Styled-components
Run on the terminal to install the dependencies:
$ yarn
$ npm install
Run on the terminal to start application:
$ yarn start
$ npm start
Maria Raquel 🚀
Feito com ❤️ por Maria Raquel (com as aulas da Rocketseat) 👋🏽 Entre em contato!