The Storify editor on allows you to dynamically integrate social media content from around the web.
This Template Repository provides a way to contribute a template and use it on Storify.
Slideshow template: you can just append
to any story url. E.g. -
KenBurns template: .
You can add the url of any story after the hash:
e.g. .
See this slideshare presentation:
Just create a new HTML page and request the JSON of the story using jQuery:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="story">
<div id="header">
<h1>Story title</h1>
<h2>Story description</h2>
<img id="byline" width=16 height=16 src="" border=0 />
var storyurl = '';
// We use this so that you can override the storyurl by appending it after the hash
// e.g. index.html#
if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/http:\/\/storify\.com\//)) storyurl = window.location.hash.substr(1);
// We fetch the JSON.
$.getJSON(storyurl + '.json?callback=?', function(json) {
// We render the story
function renderStory(story) {
$('#story #header h1').html(story.title);
$('#story #header h2').html(story.description);
$('#story #header h3').html('By ' +;
$('#story #header img#byline').attr("src",;
// And so on...
// You can check in the console all the available properties from the JSON
console.log("Story: ", story);
We are working on a more streamlined process but for now the easiest way is to use an iframe: <iframe src="" width=950 height=550 frameborder=no></iframe> (don't forget to adapt the width and height to the template that you use)
- Clone this repository.
- Use one of the samples provided to create your own template.
- Submit a pull request on GitHub.