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adulau committed Dec 29, 2018
1 parent 24ad78e commit 87b413f
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Showing 14 changed files with 381 additions and 1 deletion.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions a.6-forensic/content.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
% This is included by the other .tex files.


\frametitle{DFIR and MISP digital evidences}
\item {\bf Share analyses and reports} of digital forensic evidences.
\item {\bf Propose changes} to existing analyses or reports.
\item Extending existing events with additional evidences for local or use in limited distribution sharing (sharing can be defined at event level or attribute level).
\item {\bf Evaluate correlations}\footnote{MISP has a flexible correlation engine which can correlate on 1-to-1 value matches, but also on fuzzy hashing (e.g. ssdeep) or CIDR block matching.} of evidences against external or local attributes.
\item {\bf Report sightings} such as false-positive or true-positive (e.g. a partner/analyst has seen a similar indicator).

\frametitle{Benefits of using MISP}
\item LE can leverage the long-standing experience in information sharing and {\bf bridge their use-cases} with MISP's information sharing mechanisms.
\item {\bf Accessing existing MISP information sharing communities} by receiving actionable information from CSIRT/CERT networks or security researchers.
\item {\bf Bridging LE communities with other communities}. Sharing groups can be created (and managed) cross-sectors to support specific use-cases.
\item The {\bf MISP standard} is a flexible format which can be extended by users using the MISP platform. A MISP object template can be created in under 30 minutes, allowing users to rapidly share information using their own data-models with existing communities.

\frametitle{Challenges and implementations}
\item Standard sharing mechanism for forensic cases
\item MISP allows for the efficient \textbf{collaborative} analysis of digital evidences
\item Correlation on certain attributes
\item Importing disk images and file system data activity (\texttt{Mactime})
\item Development of an adaptable import tool: From Mactime to MISP \texttt{Mactime object}
\item Create, modify and visualise the timeline of events
\item Development of a flexible timeline system at the event level

\frametitle{Forensic import (MISP 2.4.98)}

\item Possibility to import \textbf{Mactime} files [done]
\item Pick only relevant files [done]
\item \texttt{MISPObject} will be created [done]

\frametitle{Data visualization (MISP 2.4.100/101?)}
\item View: start-date only, spanning and search [dev-branch]
\item Manipulate: Edit, Drag and Expand [dev-branch]
\item Others: Timezone support [dev-branch]

$\rightarrow$ For now [dev-branch], supports up to \textbf{micro-seconds} in the database and up to \textbf{milliseconds} in the web interface.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/logo-circl.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/misp.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/pics/import-table.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/pics/import.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/pics/mactimeObject.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added a.6-forensic/pics/timeline.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions a.6-forensic/slide.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
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\author{\small{Team CIRCL}}
\title{Forensic support in MISP}
\subtitle{Tools and visualization to support digital forensic expert}
\institute{[email protected]}
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions a.7-rest-API/content.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
% This is included by the other .tex files.


\frametitle{MISP API reworked}
\item The MISP API has grown gradually with a UI first design in many cases
\item Endpoints all solved specific issues with their own rulesets
\item Growth was organic - whenever the need to add a new functionality / filter popped up we've added it
\item Lead to frankenmonsters such as this:

\frametitle{Goals we've set for ourselves}
\item Open up every functionality in MISP available via the UI to the API
\item Including ones related to {\bf instance management}
\item APIs that expect input objects for data creation should be {\bf self-describing}
\item {\bf URL parameters should be discouraged}, but still usable by legacy tools (deprecation)
\item APIs should be heavily {\bf tested} (Raphael Vinot's exhaustive test suite in PyMISP)
\item Largest focus on Export APIs

\frametitle{Export API's reimagined}
\item Scrapped all existing type specific APIs ({\bf deprecated}, documentation moved to legacy, still available)
\item {\bf Single entry point} - all export APIs baked into restSearch
\item Queries consist of a combination of:
\item {\bf Scope} (Event, Attribute, Sighting, more coming in the future)
\item {\bf Filter parameters} - passed via JSON objects, url parameters (key value or ordered list)
\item A {\bf return format}
\item Everything that we could do before the rework we should be able to accomplish after the rework
\item Under the hood now also used by the UI search and exports

\frametitle{Export API's reimagined}
\item One of our largest issues solved: {\bf pagination}
\item {\bf Scope specific} pagination (number of events, attributes, etc)
\item Simply control it via the framework friendly {\bf page / limit} parameters
\item Alternatively, use the improved {\bf time based controls} (timestamp, publish\_timestamp windows)

\frametitle{Performance tuning}
\item Single execution with subqueries
\item Internal pagination {\bf aligned with memory limits}
\item Probing of available memory for the current process
\item {\bf Chunking of the query results} to fit in object specific memory envelopes
\item Constructing export set on disk in chunks has slashed memory usage considerably

\frametitle{Designing tools that use the APIs can be complex, but there's help}
\item The result of our own frustration
\item Built in {\bf ReST client} with templating
\item Build queries in a simple interface, automatically set URLs, headers, etc
\item Uses the self documentation of APIs
\item Export your queries as {\bf cURL or Python scripts}
\item Built in testing tools (performance measurements, result parsers)

\frametitle{Why is the search API receiving so much focus?}
\item The {\bf maturity} of the communities and threat intel sharing at large has improved
\item We are sharing more
\item Most importantly: we are sharing {\bf more context} along with technical indicators
\item This allows us to {\bf manage our data more accuractely} before feeding them to our protective tools
\item Different contexts (APT targeting me? Persisting techniques?) - lifecycle management
\item Use several queries / boolean operators to select the slice of data most relevant for the task

\frametitle{CLI tools for the CLI God, automation for the automation throne}
\item Open up commonly used system management tasks to the CLI
\item sync servers/feeds
\item caching feeds
\item Password resets
\item Server settings
\item Bruteforce protection resets
\item Enrichment
\item Goal was also to move away from the often malfunctioning scheduler and have cron friendly CLI scripts

\frametitle{So what does all of this look like in practice?}
\item Demo time!

\frametitle{Plans for the future}
\item Add export modules to the restSearch API
\item Improve the query language to support some missing features (such as AND boolean operators)
\item Support for extended events via the restSearch API
\item We're missing a framing structure in the export module system (how are a list of conversions encapsulated and delimited?)
\item Proof of concept of the system implemented by Christian Studer already works using the STIX / STIX2 export subsystems
\item Would open us up to simple customiseable search APIs
\item Open up search APIs to other scopes (objects, users, organisations, proposals, feeds, galaxies, taxonomies)
\item Sami Mokaddem designing an extensive GUI overlay for easy query construction

Binary file added a.7-rest-API/logo-circl.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added a.7-rest-API/misplogo.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added a.7-rest-API/pics/param-ui.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions a.7-rest-API/slide.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\definecolor{main}{RGB}{47, 161, 219}
\definecolor{textcolor}{RGB}{128, 128, 128}
\definecolor{background}{RGB}{240, 247, 255}



\title{MISP restSearch API}
\subtitle{An easy way to query, add and update your threat intelligence in MISP}

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

slidedecks=("0-misp-introduction-to-information-sharing" "1-misp-usage" "1.2-misp-integration" "1.1-misp-viper-integration" "1.2.1-misp-integration-mail2misp" "2-misp-administration" "3-misp-taxonomy-tagging" "3.1-misp-modules" "3.2-misp-galaxy" "3.3-misp-object-template" "6.0-misp-dashboard" "a.0-contributing" "a.1-devintro" "a.2-pymisp" "a.3-misp-feed" "a.4-best-practices")
slidedecks=("0-misp-introduction-to-information-sharing" "1-misp-usage" "1.2-misp-integration" "1.1-misp-viper-integration" "1.2.1-misp-integration-mail2misp" "2-misp-administration" "3-misp-taxonomy-tagging" "3.1-misp-modules" "3.2-misp-galaxy" "3.3-misp-object-template" "6.0-misp-dashboard" "a.0-contributing" "a.1-devintro" "a.2-pymisp" "a.3-misp-feed" "a.4-best-practices" "a.5-decaying-indicators" "a.6-forensic" "a.7-rest-API")
mkdir output
export TEXINPUTS=::`pwd`/themes/
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