####Ansible-Role For Installing and Configuring WordBress on LAMP Stack.
- installing PHP version 7.3 Dependences and some other packages Needed for installation Latest Wordpress version
- Installing and configuring MariaDB and MariaDB-client
- Creating wordpress DataBase and DBUser for WordPress
- Removing the Annonymous user and Test DataBase to secure the Database Server
- Installing and Configuring httpd WebServer
- Downloading and Extracting The WordPress files
- Using Jinja2 Templates for creating and configuring
- RHEL/Centos7 with installed YUM Package Manager,Firewalld and SSHd on it.
ansible-galaxy install mina_maher.ansible_wordpress_role -p .
- open the URL of Targeted Centos Machine which you installed the wordpress on.
##Password for MariaDB Root user
mysql_root_password: "123456789"
## WordPress-DatBase Name:
wordpress_db: "wordpress"
##Wordpress DataBase UserName:
wordpress_dbuser: "wordpress"
## WordPress DataBase Password
wordpress_dbpass: "123456789"
## WordPress Database hostname
host: "localhost"
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