FAQ-Chatbot is a web application developed using Angular Javascript framework. The application allows you to interact with a chatbot through a chat interface by submitting a question and the chatbot answers with the most relevant information. The interaction is done using dropdown lists for topic of interest selection, Elasticsearch index field selection, the top-k retrieved results and radio buttons as trained deep learning-based model parameters on the following datasets: FAQIRv1.0 [1], Stack-exchange FAQ [2], and more recent Covid-19 FAQ [3].
- Topic of Interest Selection (CovidFAQ, StackFAQ, FAQIR)
- Elasticsearch Match Field Selection (question, answer, question_answer)
- Elasticsearch Top-k Selection (10 - 100)
- Training Data Selection (faq, user_query)
- Negative Sampling Selection (simple, hard)
- Loss Type (softmax, triplet)
1. clone BERT-FAQ project as standalone repo
git clone https://github.com/ML-Recipes/BERT-FAQ
2. create conda environment
pip3 install conda
conda create --name faq
conda activate faq
3. install required libraries
conda install elasticsearch
conda install elasticsearch-dsl
conda install flask
conda install pandas
conda install numpy
conda install pytorch
conda install scikit-learn
conda install xmltodict
conda install sentence-transformers
conda install -c conda-forge notebook
4. keep BERT models within
BERT-FAQ/output/CovidFAQ/models # CovidFAQ
BERT-FAQ/output/StackFAQ/models # StackFAQ
BERT-FAQ/output/FAQIR/models # FAQIR
5. run webserver.py
python3 webserver.py
1. clone FAQ-Chatbot project as standalone repo
git clone https://github.com/ML-Recipes/FAQ-Chatbot
2. install required packages
cd front-end/chatbot
npm install
ng build
3. run front-end project
ng serve
4. access locahost:4200 in browser
title={FAQIR -- a Frequently Asked Questions Retrieval Test Collection},
author={Karan, Mladen and {\v{S}}najder, Jan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2016},
title={Paraphrase-focused learning to rank for domain-specific frequently asked questions retrieval},
author={Karan, Mladen and {\v{S}}najder, Jan},
journal={Expert Systems with Applications},
title={Collecting Verified COVID-19 Question Answer Pairs},
author={Poliak, Adam and Fleming, Max and Costello, Cash and Murray, Kenton W and Yarmohammadi, Mahsa and Pandya, Shivani and Irani, Darius and Agarwal,
Milind and Sharma, Udit and Sun, Shuo and Ivanov, Nicola and Shang, Lingxi and Srinivasan, Kaushik and Lee, Seolhwa and Han, Xu and Agarwal, Smisha
and Sedoc, João},
booktitle={NLP COVID-19 Workshop @EMNLP},