Game engine
Developed for Quake-style 3D games, but it is possible to create games of other genres.
The beginning was laid a long time ago, the development of the latest version of the engine started from scratch in the fall of 2018. Before that, there were other versions that were not very successful.
One of the engine versions was called Unity and was developed in 2002. It was a clone of Quake 3 Arena (only level renderer). At that time, I was inspired by Carmack's code, the sources of Quake1 and Doom2 were already available.
The name Angie Engine was chosen by the name of heroine Angela "Angie" McAlister after watching the series Under The Dome. I liked her name, and it is in tune with the word Engine, and I thought, why not?
- C++
- Windows7+, Linux
- 64 bit only
- SSE2
- Reflection
- Garbage collector
- World consist of Actors, Actors consist of Components, Components share resources.
- Static Mesh
- Procedural Mesh
- Skinned Mesh
- Surface
- Procedural via ProceduralMesh
- Skinned via SkinnedMesh and animation controllers
- Component
- Directional Light
- Point Light
- Spot Light
- Diffuse per-pixel lightmaps
- Diffuse per-vertex light
- Dynamic per-pixel lighting
- Cascaded shadow maps (PSSM+PCF)
- Photometric profiles
- Material graph with automatic shader generation
- Material instancing
- Different material types: HUD; Unlit; Base Light (non-physically based); PBR (physically based).
- Parallax mapping
- Tessellation Flat/PN with displacement mapping
- Modern Framegraph architecture
- Depth pre-pass
- Wireframe and normals renderer
- Debug renderer (points, lines, polygons)
- Batching
- sRGB
- Premultiplied alpha
- Virtual texturing
- Bloom
- Dynamic exposure
- Tonemapping
- Color grading (LUT, procedural)
- Vegnette
- Motion Blur (per-object, per-bone)
- Frustum Culling
- Portal Culling
- Potentially Visible Set
- 3D modelling formats (GLTF, LWO)
- Different image formats (PNG, PSD, PNM, PIC, JPG, BMP, TGA, HDR, EXR)
- Fonts (TTF)
- Photometric profiles (IES)
- Decoders ogg, flac, mp3, wav
- Streaming support
- 2D and 3D
- Unlimited audio sources
- Used speedup structures such as BSP, BVH, Portals
- Powered by BulletPhysics engine
- Different collision shapes such as: Sphere. Box. Cylinder. Capsule. Convex. Triangle Soup
- Physics raycasting, sphere casting, convex casting
- Dynamic bodies simmulation
- Kinematic bodies
- Soft bodies (experimental)
- Triggers
- Convex decomposition
- Devices Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick/Gamepad
- Axes mapping
- Actions mapping
- Widget system GUI
- Canvas (low level 2D rendering api)
- Materials
- Blending
- Tiled navigation mesh for path finding
- Powerful memory allocation system
- Classic console with commands and variables
- Multiple players
- Multiple viewports with blending
- Multiple worlds and levels
- World pausing without additional user extra-code
- Documentation in doxygen format
- MIT license
- stb, cgltf, lwo2, tinyexr, fastlz, miniz, glew, sdl2, bullet, vhacd, recastnavigation, imgui, iesna, clipper, glutess, miniaudio
- Dynamic loaded: openal
- STL-less.
- Not using exceptions.
- Code style C with classes.
- Minimum use of third-party libraries.
- Particle System
- Global Illumination
- Toksvig
- Decals
- Area lights
- Directional lightmaps (radiocity?)
- Built-in lightmapper
- LODs
- Terrain
- Water
- Vegetation
- Imposters
- Subsurface scattering
- Postprocess materials
- Postprocess techinques: DOF, Air distortion
- More parallel computations
- SDF fonts
- Lens flares, godrays
- Network, steam integration
- Antialiasing (MSAA, TXAA)
- Multisampling for debug renderer
- Text and icons for debug renderer
- Occlusion culling imprevements: Software Occlusion Culling, HiZ, or someting like this
- Navmesh: dynamic obstacles, areas, area connections, crowd
- Audio: effects
- Physics: soft body, constraints, ragdoll, character controller
- Material graph editor
Contributions are very welcome.