An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
Apply device settings to your apps. This multi-modular Android project is structured following Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture principles and Now in Android sample app
Greasemonkey scripts ( Pagetual / Picviewer CE+ / DownloadAllContent ) 油猴腳本集 ユーザースクリプト集
SD Maid 2/SE is Android's most thorough cleaning tool.
A semi-active fork of kabouzeid/Phonograph -- a revived classic material designed music player for Android
Thunderbird for Android – Open Source Email App for Android (fka K-9 Mail)
Drivers for Realtek 802.11n and 802.11ac USB Wi-Fi adapters. Packages for macOS
💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android
Uninstall any Android app without root (with power of Shizuku). Debloat your device as you wish, no PC required.
Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
Utilize an integrated firewall to manage application components.
Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku
Full Featured Video/Audio Downloader for Android using yt-dlp
Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
Contains many tools to control android system via shizuku.
APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.
main xbmc-adult Kodi repo for Frodo, Gotham, Helix, Isengar, Krypton, Leia and Matrix