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RAKF Version 1 Release 2 Modification 6

A Security System for MVS 3.8j

User’s Guide

October 2021

*                                                                    *
*    © Craig J. Yasuna                                               *
*      See Appendix for detailed Copyright Information               *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*    RAKF is based on the ESG Security System                        *
*    written by Craig J. Yasuna               (Mar 1991)             *
*    adapted to MVS 3.8J: A. Philip Dickinson (Aug 2005)             *
*                         Phil Roberts        (Apr 2011)             *
*                         Jürgen Winkelmann   (Apr 2011)             *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* This document applies to RAKF Version 1 Release 2 Modification 6   *
* which includes PTFs RRKF001, RRKF002, RRKF003, RRKF004, RRKF005    *
* and RRKF006 already installed                                      *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* The information in this User’s Guide is adapted from the original  *
* ESG Security System’s documentation as prepared by Sam Golob in    *
* 1991.                                                              *
*                                                                    *


The RAKF Security System is a RACF™-like MVS System Authorization Facility (SAF). RACF™ Version 1.7 facilities are emulated, except for the RACF™ database. Two tables, the users and the profiles table, are kept in storage. The actual security verifications are made by ICHSFR00, using these two tables. The formats of these users and profiles tables are compatible with RACF™ database entry data.

Protection is achieved by routing all operating system or vendor product security calls (including RACDEF, RACINIT, and RACHECK) through the ICHSFR00 RACROUTE interface. ICHSFR00 contains the real verification code. The RAKF Security System is designed to force "one point of handling" for all security calls. ICHSFR00 processes the various kinds of security calls in a standard way that is (mostly) documented by IBM. ICHSFR00 refers to the installation-coded user and profile in-core tables, to make its judgments. These in-core user and resource tables are each reloadable at any time by the execution of their special started tasks, this can be done in one of two ways:

  1. From the master console issue the command S RAKFPROF and S RAKFUSER or in the hercules console /S RAKFPROF and /S RAKFUSER
  2. From JCL:

When MVS is informed that "security" is present on the system, all previously defined passwords, including VSAM passwords, are ignored. Any password protection must be reinstated by the security system. Evidently, the MVS designers wanted any passwords designated by security, not to be interfered with by any other password mechanisms in MVS.

Additionally it should be noted that the ESG Security System, which RAKF is based on, had been developed in 1991 for MVS versions released 5 to 10 years later than RAKF’s target MVS 3.8j. Consequently RAKF supports security features that are used by MVS 3.8j differently than by later MVS versions or are not used at all and thus will not work as expected.

The way that protection will work on your system is entirely up to your control. Protection depends completely on the way you code the users and profiles tables. RAKF utilizes these tables for its protection decisions, instead of using a RACF™ database. Minimal tables to create a state equivalent to MVS without an active security product have been provided. Starting from these you should gradually move forward to tighten security as needed on your system.


Installation is performed through the standard SMP RECEIVE, APPLY and ACCEPT procedure. The process has been tested with SMP level 04.48 which is the level provided by the MVSCE system. To modify the Jay Moseley sysgen system to support 4.48 you need to change the following line in jcl/smpjob03.jcl before generating the system:

ESY1400   /* SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM 4                */

To look like this:

ESY1400   /* SYSTEM MODIFICATION PROGRAM 4                */
             UR13349 UR15994 UR17644 UR19590

A JCL jobstream to install RAKF and all its components is located under this repos releases and is automatically generated using python script. This script can optionally take one of two arguments:

  • --users use a custom users file instead of the default users.txt
  • --profiles use a custom users file instead of the default profiles.txt

You can generate the latest release using python3 which creates a jobstream of all the steps needed and prints it. You can save this output to a file using python3 > install_rakf.jcl. Then you can submit the job to MVS either with the socket reader: cat install_rakf.jcl|ncat --send-only -w1 3505 or by uploading the JCL and submitting in TSO.

To install RAKF only, without usermods, auxiliary tools, users or profiles you can use the file TEMPLATES/ which generates the JCL to assemble and link RAKF.


The RAKF security configuration is defined by the RAKF users table and the RAKF profiles table, which are text files maintained by the security administrator to define the system’s users, groups, resources and their protection. These tables are members of the partitioned data set SYS1.SECURE.CNTL:

  • USERS: The RAKF users table
  • PROFILES: The RAKF profiles table

Warning: each TSO user still needs a UADS entry to define the TSO attributes and authorizations. These are not covered by the RAKF users table. See appendix B for an example job to add users on MVSCE and Jay Moseley sysgen.

During the process of adapting the profiles and users tables to meet your security requirements special attention to the protection of the SYS1.SECURE.CNTL and SYS1.SECURE.PWUP should be paid:

  • SYS1.SECURE.CNTL: started tasks and the user(s) and/or group(s) responsible for RAKF administration need UPDATE access to this dataset.
  • SYS1.SECURE.PWUP: started tasks need UPDATE access to this dataset.

Both datasets contain clear text passwords and therefore users should not be allowed any access to them. An easy way to protect these datasets is to define a dataset profile SYS1.SECURE.* with universal access NONE and selectively allow the RAKF administrator user(s)/group(s) UPDATE access to this profile. If the standard setup is used started tasks have operations authority and thus don't need to be explicitly allowed.

Users and Profiles Tables

In order for the profiles tables to be valid, it must be in sort order. See Appendix C for MVTSORT jcl which can sort tables. Sort errors will inhibit initialization of the tables and will generate error messages.

Note that the tables may contain comment lines starting with an asterisk (). *

In the profiles table, DEFAULT, or "UNIVERSAL" access for any facility or dataset must be coded before any specific access is coded. You code a universal access entry in the profiles table by leaving the user group field blank. Then you code other entries for the same facility, specifying different settings for each user group that will have special access (or denial of access) to that facility.

Generally, only those features included in "IBM RACF™ Version 1.7" have been emulated. RAKF uses the decision logic of the ESG Security System without modifications. The author of the ESG security system has referred to two RACF™ manuals during their planning. It is important for all users of RAKF to obtain these manuals also. These are needed in the security administration, which will be ongoing. The two manuals are:

Manual Reference Description
SPL RACF SC28-1343-2 Referred to for information how to write macros and return codes.
RACF Administrator's Guide SC28-1340 Has an overview of profiles that should be used, and their structure.

You should try to find versions of these manuals being as close as possible to RACF™ Version 1.7 because later manuals describe features not available with RAKF and/or MVS 3.8j.

The profiles table is read from the bottom upwards which is the reason why the source table needs to be in ascending sort order: Reading them in reverse order ensures to find the most significant hit for a resource or user search before any less significant hits, so tables search will always be stopped upon the first hit.

Users Table

Below is an example USERS table:

HMVS02   USER     PASS4U   N

This controls user access. Each line is a user, group, password, and operations as described below:

Column Description
1 - 8 USERID
10 - 17 User Group (Installation defined)
18 Asterisk '*' multiple user groups exist for this userid.
19 - 26 Password
28 Operations Authority (Y or N). Always allow access¹
31 - 50 Comment field (used by "IBM RACF").

1 Unless explicitly denied access via a rule

Each line can be broken down as:

Username Group   *Password O  Comment

Userids in the users table that were set up with multiple group entries will get the highest authority for all protected objects in all the groups. As a practical example, multiple groups are used for managers who oversee the work of several programming groups. The multiple group arrangement gives these managers access to everything done by all the groups under them.


Below is an example PROFILES table:

*                                              *
* RAKF profile definitions for TK4-            *
*                                              *
* rdefine dasdvol * uacc(read)
* permit * cl(dasdvol) id(admin,stcgroup) access(alter)
DASDVOL *                                                   READ
DASDVOL *                                           ADMIN   ALTER
DASDVOL *                                           STCGROUPALTER
* addsd  '*.**'                      uacc(read)
* permit '*.**' id(admin,stcgroup)   access(alter)
DATASET *                                                   READ
DATASET *                                           ADMIN   ALTER
DATASET *                                           STCGROUPALTER
* addsd  'IPCS.DATA.SET.DIRECTRY'    uacc(update)
* addsd  'IPCS.PROBLEM.DIRECTRY'     uacc(update)
DATASET IPCS.DATA.SET.DIRECTRY                              UPDATE
DATASET IPCS.PROBLEM.DIRECTRY                               UPDATE
* addsd  'RPF.V1R5M3.SRPFPROF'       uacc(update)
DATASET RPF.V1R5M3.SRPFPROF                                 UPDATE
* addsd  'SYS1.BRODCAST'             uacc(update)
DATASET SYS1.BRODCAST                                       UPDATE
* addsd  'SYS1.DUPLEX'               uacc(none)
* addsd  'SYS1.PAGECSA'              uacc(none)
* addsd  'SYS1.PAGELPA'              uacc(none)
* addsd  'SYS1.PAGEL01'              uacc(none)
* addsd  'SYS1.PAGEL02'              uacc(none)
* addsd  'SYS1.PAGES01'              uacc(none)
DATASET SYS1.DUPLEX                                         NONE
DATASET SYS1.PAGECSA                                        NONE
DATASET SYS1.PAGELPA                                        NONE
DATASET SYS1.PAGEL01                                        NONE
DATASET SYS1.PAGEL02                                        NONE
DATASET SYS1.PAGES01                                        NONE
* addsd  'SYS1.SECURE.*'             uacc(none)
* permit 'SYS1.SECURE.*' id(admin)   access(none)
* permit 'SYS1.SECURE.*' id(rakfadm) access(update)
DATASET SYS1.SECURE.*                                       NONE
DATASET SYS1.SECURE.*                               ADMIN   NONE
DATASET SYS1.SECURE.*                               RAKFADM UPDATE
* addsd  'SYS1.STGINDEX'             uacc(none)
DATASET SYS1.STGINDEX                                       NONE
* addsd  'SYS1.UCAT.TSO'             uacc(update)
DATASET SYS1.UCAT.TSO                                       UPDATE
* rdefine facility ddtapfauth uacc(none)
* permit ddtapfauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYDDTAPFAUTH                                          NONE
FACILITYDDTAPFAUTH                                  ADMIN   READ
FACILITYDDTAPFAUTH                                  STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility diag8cmd uacc(none)
* permit diag8cmd cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYDIAG8CMD                                            NONE
FACILITYDIAG8CMD                                    ADMIN   READ
FACILITYDIAG8CMD                                    STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility dssauth uacc(none)
* permit dssauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYDSSAUTH                                             NONE
FACILITYDSSAUTH                                     ADMIN   READ
FACILITYDSSAUTH                                     STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility etpsauth uacc(none)
* permit etpsauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYETPSAUTH                                            NONE
FACILITYETPSAUTH                                    ADMIN   READ
FACILITYETPSAUTH                                    STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility jrpauth uacc(none)
* permit jrpauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYJRPAUTH                                             NONE
FACILITYJRPAUTH                                     ADMIN   READ
FACILITYJRPAUTH                                     STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility nonqauth uacc(none)
* permit nonqauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYNONQAUTH                                            NONE
FACILITYNONQAUTH                                    ADMIN   READ
FACILITYNONQAUTH                                    STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility pgmauth uacc(none)
* permit pgmauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYPGMAUTH                                             NONE
FACILITYPGMAUTH                                     ADMIN   READ
FACILITYPGMAUTH                                     STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility rakfadm uacc(none)
* permit rakfadm cl(facility) id(admin)            access(none)
* permit rakfadm cl(facility) id(rakfadm,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYRAKFADM                                             NONE
FACILITYRAKFADM                                     ADMIN   NONE
FACILITYRAKFADM                                     RAKFADM READ
FACILITYRAKFADM                                     STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility showauth uacc(none)
* permit showauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYSHOWAUTH                                            NONE
FACILITYSHOWAUTH                                    ADMIN   READ
FACILITYSHOWAUTH                                    STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility stepauth uacc(none)
* permit stepauth cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYSTEPAUTH                                            NONE
FACILITYSTEPAUTH                                    ADMIN   READ
FACILITYSTEPAUTH                                    STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine facility svc244 uacc(none)
* permit svc244 cl(facility) id(admin,stcgroup) access(read)
FACILITYSVC244                                              NONE
FACILITYSVC244                                      ADMIN   READ
FACILITYSVC244                                      STCGROUPREAD
* rdefine tapevol * uacc(read)
* permit * cl(tapevol) id(admin,stcgroup) access(alter)
TAPEVOL *                                                   READ
TAPEVOL *                                           ADMIN   ALTER
TAPEVOL *                                           STCGROUPALTER
* rdefine terminal * uacc(read)
TERMINAL*                                                   READ

This controls access to "classes" if you are familiar with RACF and can be read as follows:

Column Description
1 - 8 Facility title: DASDVOL, DATASET, FACILITY, etc¹
9 - 52 Dataset Name, or Generic Name (using asterisk '*')
53 - 60 User Group Id (Installation defined)²
61 - 66 Permission Level (NONE, READ, UPDATE, ALTER)
67 - 72 Blank

1 See the RACF Administrator's Guide. You need to know the different facility types used by the operating system, CICS, TP products, and vendor products.

2 Blanks in this field denote universal access rules for this resource.

To protect products other than MVS 3.8j, they must have an interface to the security system, typically through the use of specific profiles in the FACILITY class.

Each line can be broken down as:

Facility Dataset/Generic name                       Group   Perms

The RAKFUSER and RAKFPROF utilities are used to create the in core users and profiles tables, respectively. Any user having access to these utilities can completely take over the system by activating “private” users and profiles tables, which is why these utilities need to be protected carefully. To prevent unauthorized use RAKFUSER and RAKFPROF request READ access to the RAKFADM profile in the FACILITY class. It is strongly recommended to define the RAKFADM profile and create appropriate permissions to protect it. The following RAKF profiles table entries are provided as an example on how to do this:

FACILITYRAKFADM                                             NONE
FACILITYRAKFADM                                     RAKFADM READ
FACILITYRAKFADM                                     STCGROUPREAD

This example defines a universal access of “none” (i.e. nobody has access unless authorized explicitly) and explicitly authorizes user RAKFADM (or all members of group RAKFADM) and all started tasks (the STCGROUP).

Note that it is RAKF’s standard behavior to grant ALTER access requested for an undefined resource.

Thus everyone will be able to use the RAKFUSER and RAKFPROF utilities if there is no RAKFADM profile defined in the FACILITY class.

Special attention should be given to the above mentioned fact that RAKF allows ALTER access to all undefined resources. A user can, for example, delete any dataset on any volume even if access NONE is defined for the dataset as long as there is no DASDVOL profile defined: ALTER access to a DASDVOL allows scratching of any file on it regardless of the file's protection and exactly that's what a user gets if no DASDVOL profile is defined.

Batch Jobs and Started Task Considerations

Batch jobs and STCs are assigned the following by ICHSFR00:

Started Tasks STC STCGROUP

Any job that has no userid connected to it is assigned a userid of PROD and a user group of PRDGROUP by ICHSFR00. That situation is true for jobs submitted by RJE or by a local (card or internal) reader. The authorities (i.e. Operations or not) of the PROD and STC userids are hardcoded in ICHSFR00. Upon initial RAKF installation, the PROD user has no Operations authority while the STC user has Operations authority defined. The specific authorities of the PRDGROUP and STCGROUP groups are controlled by the profiles table.

Under MVS 3.8j no userid propagation takes place. Without further measure all jobs entering the system have no userid and thus get userid PROD and group PRDGROUP assigned by RAKF, be it jobs submitted by already authenticated users or jobs, or by started tasks. That means that all jobs that shall run under a specific userid need to have the USER and PASSWORD parameters coded on their JOB card. Coding these parameters constitutes a security hole if jobs are saved in publicly readable JCL libraries. But even with read protected JCL libraries having to code these parameters is for sure not desired.

To avoid having to code USER and PASSWORD parameters on JOB cards it is highly recommended to install an IKFEFF10 user exit that automatically provides these parameters for jobs submitted using the TSO submit command processor and to configure RPF to use TSO submit instead of RPF submit (this is installed by default on MVSCE and Jay Moseley sysgen systems). That way the majority of jobs submitted in day to day system usage don’t need to code these parameters on their JOB cards. The usermod that supplies this feature is ZP60034, available at

Security Authorization Facility (SAF) Support in MVS 3.8j

RAKF supports security features that are used by MVS 3.8j differently than by later MVS versions or are not used at all and thus will not work as expected. The “historical” reason for this is that RAKF's predecessor ESG Security System is dated 1991 which is 5 to 10 years later than most components of "current" MVS 3.8j systems. Some of the issues resulting from this discrepancy are discussed here.

General Resource Classes

There are resource classes supported by RAKF but not used by MVS 3.8j. So, if you are going to define a profile in any resource class in the RAKF profiles table that you never used before make sure to test it by trying an access that should be denied by that profile. Only if it then really gets denied, you can be sure that the corresponding hook to call the SAF is already implemented in the level of MVS you are running.

The most relevant of these classes is the PROGRAM class which is meant to be used to protect programs from being executed by unauthorized users: RAKF will accept profiles in the PROGRAM class flawlessly but none of the programs defined there will be protected because MVS 3.8j simply doesn't ask the SAF for permission before executing a program.

Therefore, with MVS 3.8j one has to make sure that “critical” programs cannot be executed by unauthorized users through other means. The following solutions might be feasible on a case by case basis:

Programs that need to call a specific SVC for successful execution:

Introduce a profile in the FACILITY class and have that SVC verify the caller’s authorization against this profile. This method can only be used, if the SVC in question is specific enough to the calling program, so that no other system functions get broken when access to that SVC is restricted. An example for this method is SVC 244: This SVC is originally provided with the Tur(n)key MVS System, where it is used to enable certain utilities and TSO commands to access supervisor state easily. As it is completely unsecured its use as provided in TK3 can only be recommended for single user systems. Systems with security present typically aren’t single user systems but still have requirements to allow certain utilities supervisor access when used by authorized users (sysprogs, etc.), but not when used by “normal” users. For this reason a modification to SVC 244 was made to have it check the calling user’s authority to access profile SVC244 in the FACILITY class before allowing authorization. This way SVC 244 is turned from a big security hole to an efficient means of protecting utilities that need to run authorized. The secured version of SVC 244 is part of the auxiliary utility package distributed with RAKF. If you are running a Tur(n)key MVS system having the unsecured version of this SVC installed, it is strongly recommended to replace it by installing the usermod in Appendix D.

Programs with source code available:

Introduce a profile in the FACILITY class and have the program verify the caller's authorization against this profile. This method of course provides a reliable protection only for programs that will not work, for example due to APF requirements, if called from a private library!

An example for this method can be found within RAKF itself The utilities RAKFUSER and RAKFPROF used to update the in-core USERS and PROFILES tables are critical in the sense that anyone having access to them can take over the security administration of the whole system and thus can conduct arbitrary fraudulent activities. To enable control over who is authorized to use these utilities they request READ access to FACILITY RAKFADM and don’t execute if this access isn’t granted. That way the use of these utilities can effectively be restricted by defining profile RAKFADM in the FACILITY class and giving only authorized users or groups READ access to this profile.

Programs without source code available:

Create a separate loadlib protected by a DATASET profile and place the program there. This, of course, is kind of a last resort.

Dataset Protection using the RACF indicator

The implementation of calls to the security system in MVS 3.8j to protect datasets greatly relies on the concept of indication: Only datasets having their "RACF indicator" turned on are protected. The RACF indicator is a bit in the type 1 DSCB of a non-VSAM dataset or in the catalog entry of a VSAM object. Once activated RAKF ensures that all newly created datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects have their RACF indicator turned on. But this is not the case for already existing ones.

Due to artifacts (not to say bugs ;-)) in the logic flow of DADSM processing it is possible to gain access to a RAKF protected dataset which has its RACF indicator turned on by manipulating an arbitrary unprotected dataset (i.e. one with its RACF indicator not turned on) in a certain way before trying to access the protected one. Consequently a reliable dataset protection can only be achieved by explicitly turning on the RACF indicator for all datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects after RAKF activation, not only for those needing protection. On the other hand it should be noted that once the whole system is protected (i.e. the RACF indicator is turned on for all datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects) it is no longer feasible to run it without RAKF or any other security system being active as most accesses will then be denied. Consequently the RACF indicators of all datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects explicitly need to be turned off prior to removing RAKF from the system.

The section “Turning the RACF Indicator On or Off” below outlines how to manipulate the RACF indicator of datasets, catalogs or VSAM objects, individually or for the whole system. Using these procedures clearly is the recommended way to enable dataset protection.

Turning the RACF Indicator On or Off

Setting or Clearing the RACF Indicator of a Single Non-VSAM Dataset

  • Logon to TSO and enter the following command: CDSCB 'datasetname' VOL(vvvvvv) UNIT(SYSDA) SHR racind


  • datasetname is the fully qualified name of the dataset the RACF indicator of which is to be set or cleared
  • vvvvvv is the volume identifier of the DASD on which the dataset resides
  • racind is the desired setting of the RACF indicator:
    • RACF if the RACF indicator is to be set
    • NORACF if the RACF indicator is to be cleared

The RACF indicator of the following datasets must never be set:

  • The PASSWORD dataset, i.e. the dataset with the single qualifier name PASSWORD
  • Temporary datasets, i.e. datasets with the following naming format: SYSnnnnn.Tnnnnnn.RAnnn.*, where each n represents a decimal digit.

Setting or Clearing the RACF Indicator of a Single Catalog or VSAM Object

Each component of a catalog or VSAM object has its own RACF indicator bit in its catalog entry. The following requirements must be observed when setting or clearing the RACF indicators of catalogs or VSAM objects:

  • Catalog: Only the RACF indicator of the catalog’s cluster entry is to be set or cleared. The RACF indicators of the catalog’s data and index components must never be set.

  • All other VSAM objects: The RACF indicator of the object’s catalog entry, as well as the RACF indicators of the object’s component catalog entries must be set or cleared synchronously.

To set or clear the RACF indicator of any catalog entry (the catalog cluster itself, any VSAM objects and their components) the RACIND utility is used. It is called as follows:

//SYSIN    DD  *
control statement
control statement

The control statements consist of a command verb beginning in column 1 and an entry name to act upon beginning in column 11. The command verbs are defined as follows:

  • CATALOG directs RACIND to operate in the catalog specified as the entry name until the next CATALOG statement is encountered
  • RACON sets the RACF indicator of the entry specified
  • RACOFF clears the RACF indicator of the entry specified

A line starting with an asterisk (“*”) is treated as a comment. Any number of control statements is allowed, but no RACON or RACOFF statement is accepted until a valid CATALOG statement has been executed. See Appendix E demonstrating the use of the RACIND utility.

Setting RACF Indicator for all el

Setting or Clearing the RACF Indicator of All Eligible Non-VSAM Datasets

To view the current RACF indicator status you can run the progam VTOC (included in the AUX folder) with the following syntax: VTOC ALL LIM(DSO NE VS) P(NEW (DSN V RA)) S(RA,D,DSN,A) LIN(66) H('1RACF STATUS BEFORE CHANGE').

To set the RACF indicator of all eligible non-VSAM datasets in the system you can submit the job VTOCSRAC.jcl located in the TOOLS folder. To clear the RACF indicator you can edit this job and change RXRUN RACF to RXRUN NORACF and resubmit the job.

⚠️ This job required BREXX V2R5 to run.

VTOCSRAC operates on all mounted DASD volumes. To exclude certain volumes from processing vary them offline before submitting VTOCSRAC. The job executes an REXX script to find the eligible datasets out of a dataset list and to generate a CDSCB command with the RACF or NORACF parameter for each dataset found.

Datasets are considered eligible for RACF indicator modification if they are not:

  • The PASSWORD dataset, i.e. the dataset with the single qualifier name PASSWORD
  • Temporary datasets, i.e. datasets with the following naming format: SYSnnnnn.Tnnnnnn.RAnnn.*, where each n represents a decimal digit.

Setting or Clearing the RACF Indicator of All Catalogs and VSAM Objects

To view the current RACF indicator status of all catalogs and VSAM objects in the system submit job VSAMLRAC.jcl located in the TOOLS folder. This job requires BREXX to run.

To set the RACF indicator of all eligible VSAM datasets in the system you can submit the job VSAMSRAC.jcl located in the TOOLS folder. To clear the RACF indicator you can edit this job and change RXRUN ON to RXRUN OFF and resubmit the job.

VSAMSRAC operates on the master catalog and on all user catalogs defined in the master catalog. To exclude a user catalog from processing vary the volume on which it resides offline before submitting VSAMSRAC. The job executes an AWK script to find the catalogs, VSAM objects and their components out of IDCAMS LISTCAT output and to generate RACIND control statements for all eligible entries. All VSAM entries not being components (DATA or INDEX) of a catalog are considered eligible.

Auxiliary Utilities

Section “Turning the RACF Indicator On or Off” outlines procedures for setting or clearing the RACF indicator of datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects which is crucial to provide a reliable dataset protection. These procedures make use of set of utilities that are neither part of the RAKF product nor of native MVS 3.8j. They have been collected or derived from different publicly available sources and are provided with the RAKF in the AUX folder. This includes:

  • VTOC

Version History

ESG Security System (March 1991)

The ESG Security System was published by Craig J. Yasuna as an alternative to IBM's RACF™ and similar products. It uses the ICHRTX00 security router exit to communicate its security decisions to MVS. ICHRTX00 is a user exit of the SAF router ICHSFR00.

RAKF "RAcK oF" Security System (August 2005)

RAKF was published by A. Philip Dickinson as an adaption of the ESG Security System to MVS 3.8j. The ESG Security doesn't natively support MVS 3.8j for several reasons. The major ones are:

  • At MVS 3.8j times the SAF router ICHSFR00 was part of the RACF™ product and thus not available on MVS systems without RACF™ being installed. So the ICHRTX00 exit as a convenient place for third party security products to hook into the SAF didn't exist.
  • incompatible ACEE handling.
  • The ESG Security System uses the BAS instruction which is not available in S/370.
  • ESG Security's 24/31 bit AMODE handling wasn't compatible with the usage of high order address bytes for flags in MVS 3.8j.
  • incompatible parameter lists of RACROUTE, RACDEF, RACHECK and RACINIT.
  • handling of in core profiles incompatible with MVS's VSAM catalog management.

Phil D. converted ESG Security's ICHRTX00 router exit into an ICHSFR00 SAF router to overcome the first major incompatibility. He also solved the next two points and in parts the 24/31 bit AMODE issues. The rest remained undetected when he published his work and caused several problems when using RAKF on MVS 3.8j:

  • Arbitrary 0C4 abends during RACINIT and RACDEF processing. The most severe of these abends is the "initiator blowout" mentioned in
  • Arbitrary 0C4 abends and FREEMAIN errors during RACHECK processing of VSAM catalogs and objects. These problems are discussed in
  • Arbitrary invalid authorization decisions: Access denied if it should have been granted and access granted if it should have been denied. The latter in a way that with some trial and error any user is able to acquire ALTER access to any dataset in the system.

RAKF 1.2.0 (April 2011)

When the above mentioned problems became visible and identified as being RAKF caused in several MVS 3.8j environments it turned out that Phil D's RAKF source wasn't accessible any more (lost in a package crate from moving). Phil Roberts stepped in and reconstructed the source by disassembling Phil D's binary RAKF distribution and comparing it with the original source of the ESG Security System. Based on that reconstructed source the rest of the incompatibilities listed above were identified and corrected by Jürgen Winkelmann.

To avoid another loss of the source to occur an additional effort has been made to clean up the source to a publishable state and to provide an SMP4 compatible source distribution enabling RAKF installation using the standard SMP 4 standard RECEIVE, APPLY, ACCEPT procedure.

RAKF 1.2.0 PTF Summary

The following PTFs are available:

  • RRKF001: Enable comment lines (lines starting with * ) to be entered in the source users and profiles tables and minor bug fixes in RAKFUSER utility.
  • RRKF002: Enhance RACINIT NEWPASS functionality to support permanent password changes to be initiated by an application. This enables standard password change functionality as for example entering currentpw/newpw on the “ENTER CURRENT PASSWORD for uuuuuuu” at TSO logon time.
  • RRKF003: Security enhancement in users and profiles tables processing.
  • RRKF004: Consolidation of documentation members from RAKF’s SAMPLIB to the RAKF User’s Guide.
  • RRKF005: Introduce the RACIND utility to control VSAM RACF indicators.
  • RRKF006: Sample jobs and utilities to turn the RACF indicator on or off for all non-VSAM datasets, catalogs and VSAM objects. Sample jobs to create the profiles and users tables and the password update queue. Documentation changes and minor bug fixes. These PTFs are available in folder files/RAKF/PTFs of the H390-MVS Yahoo group and in CBT file 850, future PTFs will be made available at the same locations.

RAKF 1.2.6 (October 2021)

To make source management more open and to make RAKF more aproachable all PTFs were combined to have a unified source repository. The following changes were also made:

  • Replace VTOC, CDSCB binaries with source libraries
  • Created shell script to generate SMP4 entries for RAKF
  • Removed MAWK (no longer needed)
  • Replaced IGC0024D binary with SVC 244 source and created usermod RAK0001
  • Replaced VSAMLRAC, VSAMSRAC, and VTOCSRAC with new versions that use BREXX scripts instead of MAWK
  • Removed the requirement to use tape/XMI files
  • Removed xmi/ptf JCL and other SAMPLIB items
  • Moved SAMPLIB folder to TOOLS
  • Updated RACIND.hlasm to check if RAKF is installed and if not to skip RACHECK, this is helpful for installing before RAKF is enabled.

Appendix A - Generating your own release

Run the script which will generate the JCL jobstream needed to install RAKF.

Appendix B - Add users to UADS

This job is for use with MVSCE and Jay Moseley sysgen

//         REGION=8192K,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
//* Replace NEWUSER with the user you wish to use
//NEWUSER EXEC TSONUSER,ID=NEWUSER,   This will be the logon ID
//        PW='SYS1',
//        OP='OPER',             Allow operator authority
//        AC='ACCT'              Allow ACCOUNT TSO COMMAND

Appendix C - SORT job

Below is an MVTSORT job which will sort the USERS and PROFILES members

//             'UP',
//             CLASS=S,
//             MSGCLASS=A,
//             REGION=8192K,
//             MSGLEVEL=(1,1),
//* RAKF requires these files be in sorted order
//* use this JCL to sor the tables
//             DISP=SHR,DCB=(BLKSIZE=80,RECFM=F)
//SYSIN  DD    *
//             DISP=SHR,DCB=(BLKSIZE=80,RECFM=F)
//SYSIN  DD    *

Appendix D - USERMOD RAK0001

This usermod installs an updated SVC244 that uses RAKF for authorization.

//SYSUT1   DD  *
++VER(Z038) FMID(EBB1102)
  *  Desc: Type 3/4 SVC for setting/unsetting JSCBAUTH
  *        If a security system (for example RAKF) is installed
  *        read access to ressource SVC244 in class FACILITY is
  *        requested and the JSCBAUTH change is made only if the
  *        security system grants this access
//             SPACE=(CYL,3),
//             DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=4080)
//SYSIN    DD  *
         TITLE ' SVC 244 - Toggle Authorization '
*                                                                     *
*  Name: IGC0024D                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*  Type: Assembler source                                             *
*                                                                     *
*  Desc: Type 3/4 SVC for setting/unsetting JSCBAUTH                  *
*                                                                     *
*        If a security system (for example RAKF) is installed         *
*        read access to ressource SVC244 in class FACILITY is         *
*        requested and the JSCBAUTH change is made only if the        *
*        security system grants this access                           *
*                                                                     *
*  Regs at Entry:                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*          R0 must be 0                                               *
*          R1 = Request code.  R1 = 1 ===> Authon                     *
*                                else ===> Authoff                    *
*          R2       undetermined                                      *
*          R3  ---> CVT                                               *
*          R4  ---> TCB                                               *
*          R5  ---> SVRB                                              *
*          R6  ---> Entry point                                       *
*          R7  ---> ASCB                                              *
*          R8  ---> undetermined                                      *
*          R9  ---> undetermined                                      *
*          R10 ---> undetermined                                      *
*          R11 ---> undetermined                                      *
*          R12 ---> undetermined                                      *
*                                                                     *
IGC0024D CSECT                             , SVC 244
R0       EQU   0
R1       EQU   1
R2       EQU   2
R3       EQU   3
R4       EQU   4
R5       EQU   5
R6       EQU   6
R7       EQU   7
R8       EQU   8
R9       EQU   9
R10      EQU   10
R11      EQU   11
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15
         USING *,6                         , use R6 as base register
         LTR   R0,R0                       , R0 = 0 ?
         BNZR  R14                         , return if not
         ICM   R8,B'1111',CVTSAF(R3)       , SAFV defined ?
         BZ    GOFORIT                     , no RAC, permit JSCB auth
         USING SAFV,R8                     , addressability of SAFV
         CLC   SAFVIDEN(4),SAFVID          , SAFV initialized ?
         BNE   GOFORIT                     , no RAC, permit JSCB auth
         DROP  R8                          , SAFV no longer needed
         LR    R8,R1                       , remember R1
         LR    R9,R15                      , remember R15
         LR    R1,R8                       , restore R1
         LR    R8,R15                      , remember return code
         LR    R15,R9                      , restore R15
         XR    R0,R0                       , restore R0
         LTR   R8,R8                       , RAC authorization granted?
         BNZR  R14                         , return if not
GOFORIT  L     R11,180(,R4)                , R11 = JSCB (from TCBJSCB)
         BCT   R1,AUTHOFF                  , R1 NOT = 1 ==> Authoff
         OI    236(R11),X'01'              , set JSCBAUTH on
         BR    R14                         , and return
AUTHOFF  NI    236(11),255-X'01'           , set JSCBAUTH off
         BR    R14                         , and return
SVC244   DC    CL39'SVC244'                , facility name to authorize
SAFVID   DC    CL4'SAFV'                   , SAFV eye catcher
CVTSAF   EQU   248 CVTSAF doesn't exist but is a reserved field in 3.8J
         ICHSAFV  DSECT=YES                , map SAFV
         END                               , of SVC 244
      /*  COMPRESS(ALL) */

Appendix E - RACIND Example

//* Name: RACIND
//* Desc: Run RACIND Utility
//* FUNTION: Act upon control statements read from SYSIN to set or
//*          clear the RACF indicator of VSAM catalog entries. The
//*          following control statements are valid:
//*          ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+
//*          CATALOG   name of catalog to search for entries
//*          RACON     name of entry to indicate
//*          RACOFF    name of entry to unindicate
//*          * Comment
//*          Any number of control statements is allowed. The first
//*          none comment statement must be a CATALOG statement. A
//*          CATALOG statement remains active until a new CATALOG
//*          statement replaces it.
//SYSIN    DD  *
* Example: Switch on the RACF indicator for a VSAM catalog
*          and a cluster contained in that catalog.
* Note:    - The data and index components of a VSAM catalog
*            MUST NOT be RACF indicated.
*          - All other entry types MUST have either all of their
*            components RACF indicated or all components not
*            indicated.
*          For that reason in the example only one RACON statement
*          is coded for the catalog, but three for the cluster.