PhpSpreadsheet Public
Forked from PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheetA pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
PHP MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2024 -
javascript-obfuscator Public
Forked from javascript-obfuscator/javascript-obfuscatorA powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
PHPWord Public
Forked from PHPOffice/PHPWordA pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents
PDFObject Public
Forked from pipwerks/PDFObjectA lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
Webplate Public
Forked from chrishumboldt/WebplateWebplate is an awesome front-end framework that lets you stay focused on building your site or app all the while remaining really easy to use.
BigVideo.js Public
Forked from johnpolacek/BigVideo.jsThe jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video (and Images)
jquery-confirm Public
Forked from craftpip/jquery-confirmA multipurpose plugin for alert, confirm & dialog, with Extended features.
img2ascii Public
Forked from bylexus/img2asciiPHP Image-to-Ascii-Art Library
SwiftHTTPServer Public
Forked from ZewoGraveyard/SwiftHTTPServerHTTP Server / Web Framework written in pure Swift 2.0/C (no Foundation dependency)
NSGIF Public
Forked from NSRare/NSGIFiOS Library for converting videos to animated GIFs.
QRCode Public
Forked from aschuch/QRCodeA QRCode generator written in Swift.
PNChart Public
Forked from kevinzhow/PNChartA simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
Argo Public
Forked from thoughtbot/ArgoFunctional JSON parsing library for Swift
awesome-swift Public
Forked from Wolg/awesome-swiftA curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
1 UpdatedMay 8, 2015 -
Transporter Public
Forked from nghialv/TransporterA tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier
PNChart-Swift Public
Forked from kevinzhow/PNChart-SwiftA simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS(https://github.com/kevinzhow/PNChart) Swift Implementation
animated-tab-bar Public
Forked from Ramotion/animated-tab-barRAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
EVCloudKitDao Public
Forked from evermeer/EVCloudKitDaoSimplified access to Apple's CloudKit
LTMorphingLabel Public
Forked from lexrus/LTMorphingLabelGraceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
BFKit Public
Forked from FabrizioBrancati/BFKitBFKit is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
GONMarkupParser Public
Forked from nicolasgoutaland/GONMarkupParserEasily build NSAttributedString from XML/HTML like strings for iOS.
Chameleon Public
Forked from vicc/chameleonA Lightweight x Powerful Flat Color Framework for iOS
TCBlobDownload Public
Forked from thibaultcha/TCBlobDownloadCompetitive large files downloads for iOS
ffmpegc Public
Forked from lvjian700/ffmpegcCompile ffmpeg for iOS, support armv7s , armvs7 & i386 simulator
ioscreator Public
Forked from ioscreator/ioscreatorTutorials from ioscreator.com
ProgressHUD Public
Forked from relatedcode/ProgressHUDProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS 7. (Objective-C)
AwesomeChat Public
Forked from relatedcode/RelatedChatAwesomeChat is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based chatrooms with Facebook/Twitter login.
RealtimeChat Public
Forked from ios4u/RealtimeChatRealtimeChat is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based chatrooms with Facebook/Twitter login.
YouTubeDownloader Public
YouTubeDownloader is a full native iPhone app to search, list, play and download YouTube videos.