- Finland
- markku.rontu.net
Lists (6)
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Abandoned work
Something I started but nevery quite finished. Consider abandonware.Clojure
Repository of Clojure and ClojureScript tips, tricks and sample applications.Contributed
A repository that I have contributed something to.Games
Games I've created. Typically small and unfinished for a game jam.Graphics
Graphics programming, demo effects etc.Originals
Main libraries and original projects I have created.Stars
binaryage / pure-frame
Forked from day8/re-frameA re-frame fork without global state
Macroz / docjure
Forked from mjul/docjureRead and write Office documents from Clojure
Macroz / clj-kondo
Forked from clj-kondo/clj-kondoA linter for Clojure code that sparks joy.
A small example project in Clojure. Fetches train information from rata.digitraffic.fi API and displays it.
Macroz / garden
Forked from noprompt/gardenGenerate CSS with Clojure
Macroz / claypoole
Forked from clj-commons/claypooleClaypoole: Threadpool tools for Clojure
Macroz / hiccup-find
Forked from cjohansen/hiccup-findUtilities to help you test hiccup markup generating functions
Macroz / konserve
Forked from replikativ/konserveA clojuresque key-value/document store protocol with core.async.
Macroz / luno-react-native
Forked from alwx/luno-react-nativeCross-platform React Native application written in ClojureScript
Macroz / re-frame-template
Forked from day8/re-frame-templateLeiningen template for reagent web app based on the re-frame pattern. Includes figwheel and optionally re-com and secretary.