This project involves testing an ERC20 smart contract using Hardhat. As part of the assignment, both the original and modified versions of the contract were tested.
- Daniarbek Madiyar
- Zholdybayev Didar
- Zhumabayev Alibek
The project includes:
- Deployment of an ERC20 token.
- Testing the main functions of the smart contract (balance, token transfer, events, etc.).
- Modifying the contract constructor to allow setting the owner and initial token supply.
- Testing the updated version of the smart contract.
npm install
npx hardhat
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy2.js --network ganache
After running the tests, the following results were obtained:
✔ Deployment should assign total supply to the owner
✔ Should transfer tokens between accounts
✔ Should update last sender and receiver correctly
✔ Should update last transaction timestamp
✔ Should emit TransactionTracked event
✔ Should not update state variables if transfer fails
✔ Deployment should assign total supply to the specified owner
✔ Should transfer tokens between accounts
✔ Should update last sender and receiver correctly
✔ Should update last transaction timestamp
✔ Should emit TransactionTracked event
✔ Should not update state variables if transfer fails
12 passing (3s)
Contract Deployment:
Enter initial supply: 1000
Enter owner address: 0x20AC9092433CFcc33bc242fF9f1580a3ed651fA7
Token deployed to: 0xA00dEd98Cc8837A3ED0501a0724086abB24627eb
Owner address set to: 0x20AC9092433CFcc33bc242fF9f1580a3ed651fA7
This project is licensed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
Project completed as part of the Blockchain Technologies 1 course.