- k3s : install as a simpl kubernetes
- one node in every AZ
- master on all nodes
- swfs : install as k8s deployment first simple setup
- 3 master
- 3 volume
- 1 filer
- add swfs-storage class
- prometheus operator : install
- prometheus : install
- grafana :
- install grafana itself
- swfs : extend deployment with enabled metrics
- swfs : deploy swfs grafana template
- CockroachDB
- swfs : extend deploymant for CRDB
- CRDB : deploy
Old path - obsolete
- VM
- master & volume : install swfs master and volume
- volume : up and download files via curl
- deploy helm chart (disable mysql, change node-selectors, customize storage-class iscsi-ext4)
- VM
- setup systemd services (master, volume, filer)
- multi-master, multi-volume
- configure services for filer
- S3
- cockroachdb
- restic
- add VM as swfs client
- deploy k3s as a kubernetes
- deploy cockroachdb on this k3s
- configure cockroachdb to use swfs as storage
- configure swfs to use s3 in the backend
- backup filecontent of volumes with restic
- Cilium: https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.8/gettingstarted/k3s/