Android app which allows users to find out current weather data for more than 210,000 locations,get predictions about future weather and get Historical weather data for a location.The app also shows the Air quality of the particular selected location
User can either select a location they want to get weather and air quality information about.The user first would have to login to the app.
Location : Google PLaces Sdk,Geofencing API
Cloud : Firebase,FireStore Database
Network : Retrofit,Coil,GSON,JSOUP
Dependency Injection : Dagger Hilt2
DATABASE : Room Library
Miscellaneous Coroutines,ViewModel,datastore-preferences,Easy-preferences
- Login Screen
- Current Weather data
- Weather Forecast
- Historical Weather data
I'm an android developer based in India.I develop my app with Kotlin and try to use the best software development practices out there to develop my apps