Welcome to the Todo-List project! This web application allows you to create and manage your to-do lists effortlessly. Organize your tasks, set priorities, and stay productive with just a few clicks. Whether you're a productivity guru or simply looking to stay organized, this project is for you.
You can see a live demo of the project here: Todo-List Demo
Create Tasks: Enter the task you need to accomplish, and the website will allow you to create and manage your to-do list effortlessly.
Organize Your Tasks: Categorize your tasks, set due dates, and prioritize them to keep your to-do list organized and manageable.
To use the Todo-List project, simply first "cd" over to the folder in your local machine, install the dependencies, and nodemon app.js, the server will start at localhost:3000.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Pranavnk15/Todo-List.git
Install dependecies, nodemon app.js file in your preferred command line interface.
Start organising and manging your tasks.
If you want to contribute to this project then check out CONTRIBUTING.md file.