- Equipment / Asset
- Uniq ID
- Procedures
- Hierarchy (Parent-Child)
- Priority (What fix first ?)
- Auxiliary Equipment
- Cost (Calc by WO. Useful for Machine Replacement Analysis - MRA)
- Links ( attach CAD, Shematics, Pneumatics, Scanned Doc, Img)
- able to call in WOs or POs
- Safety And Compliance
- Warranty (able to show under warranty in WO)
- Condition Monitoring
- Reports
- Cost
- Failure, Count
- Hirarchy
- Warranty
- Availability (Time available during a specified period)
- Special Tools
- Meter Reading
- Location
- Labor
- WO
- Inventory
- Purchasing
- Equipment History via WOs
- Spare Parts (Recommended Info)
- Run Time (use to trigger PM)
- Safety Procedures
- PM Schedules
- asset : main properties
- asset_type : type of asset
- asset_contact : contact of asset incase there is any ploblem
- asset_part : middle table of asset-inventory
- asset_depreciation : depreciation of asset
- asset_comment : kind of log
- asset_downtime : downtime log
- asset_meter : meter of asset use for pm trigger
- asset_service_log : service log
- Intro
- Perfromed regularly based on Calendar Time or Run Time (see Equipment Management)
- Generate WO
- Procedures
- Task Details, Parts, Tools, Labor
- Priority
- Frequency
- Calendar Time (weekly, monthly, ..) or Run Time (Miles, Hours, ..), Seasonal (summer, snow, ..)
- Parts
- Parts required including qty
- Labor
- Enter Craft Categories (Mechanic, Electrician, ..) and estimated hours
- Outside Contrator
- Able to contract to outside Vendor
- Links as (Equipment Module)
- Functions
- Generate WOs on its frequency setting
- Route-based PM, a list of activities or inspections on a number of different equipment that are done by craft ppl
- Reports
- list by period of time
- labor including money spent
- material spent
- labor projection (Use to forcast labor by specificed period)
- material projetion (Use to forcast material by specificed period)
- pm
- pm_step
- pm_dependency
- pm_comment
- pm_tool
- pm_audit
- pm_part
- pm_meter
- pm_safety
- pm_downtime
- pm_season
- pm_labor
- pm_asset
- pm_doc
- Properties
- Hourly Wage Rate, Accomodate Overtime
- Categories
- Shift / Vocation / Sick
- Craft Code
- Links - as Equipment Management
- Reports
- Overtime
- Vacation
- WOs, Hours by account number / employee ID / Calendar Period / Equipment
- Productivity ( estimated and actual hours )
- Intro
- stores all preventive and corrective plan
- emergency and scheduled
- able to request by another department
- Priority ( use for scheduled aid )
- Status ( Approval, Wait for Material .. )
- Category ( PM, Emergency, Repair, Project ) * should be user defined
- Failure Code ( Should be user defined )
- Action Code
- Labor
- able to enter multiple crafts ppl
- Material ( Upon completion or as material is withdrawn )
- Material Cost
- Labor Cost
- Based on Time Spent by each craft
- Outside Cost and Total estimated cost
- Total Actual Cost
- WO completion
- can be closed by individual or bath that matchs key
- Downtime
- able to track both planned and unplaned downtime
- Planned means equipment is scheduled to be available for maintenance work
- Unplanned means equipment goes down unexpectedly
- Report
- WO parts shortage
- Active WO
- Overdue WO
- WO Material requirement
- WO Labor requirement
- WO detail
- Downtime summary
- WO by account
- Activities
- Performance ( % complete in time )
- Cost Summary
- Labor Summary
- Material Summary
- Equipment History
- Cost Variance
- Planning / Scheduling
- Backlog
- Priority System and Backlog
- RIF - Relative Importance Factor = Priority X Equipment Criticality
- Plan and schedule WOs based on RIF
- workorder
- wo_step
- wo_labor
- wo_sched_labor
- wo_part
- wo_comment
- wo_semaphor
- wo_attachment
- wo_meter
- wo_tool
- wo_status_log
- wo_safety
- wo_doc
- wo_generation
- wo_planned_downtime
- wo_planned_part
- wo_planned_labor
- wo_planned_tool
- Report
- Able to print Label
- Contact Report
- Cost Variance
- User defined reorder points
- Able to create POs to restock
- Many model to calc ROP(reorder point) and EOQ(economic order quantity)
- Item trasactions
- Description
- Subsitiute
- inventory : main properties
- in_tran : inventory transaction
- in_vendor : middle table of inventory-vendor
- in_comment : inventory comment
- in_type : type of inventory
- in_doc : link to document
- in_reserved : middle table of workorder-inventory
- in_audit : middle table of users-inventory
- in_location : location
- in_trans_worksheet
- in_stock : location and qty
Install rails guide here http://rubyonrails.org/download/
second clone my project,
config database connection at config/database.yml
then go into the root project directory and run
rake db:migrate # to initialize database schema
ruby db:seed # to initialize data
then run the server by
rails s
for flexible of used and modification. learn Rails http://rubyonrails.org/documentation/
for admin role
user: [email protected]
pass: 123123
for manager role
user: [email protected]
pass: 123123
for staff role
user: [email protected]
pass: 123123
- If you are a student looking for final project. This project could help you only database design task. You can use whatever web framework you familiar.
- If you are looking for complete software this project is not ready to use. You should hire Rails developer to setup and extend more features.