$ go get -u github.com/magiclea/mydevtool
A timestamp conversion tool
mydevtool timestamp
timestamp, ts
$ mydevtool timestamp 1546272000
Epoch to human readable time is: 2019-01-01 00:00:00 +0800 CST
$ mydevtool timestamp 2019 1 1 0 0 0
2019/01/01 00:00:00 Local -> 1546272000
Using this command to communicate with pritunl-client.
mydevtool pritunl [flags]
--disconnectAll disconnect all connections
-h, --help help for pritunl
--listOnly list profiles only, no create new connection
--password string specify password
$ mydevtool pritunl
| ID | Name | Status |
| 1 | server1 | Disconnected |
| 2 | server2 | Disconnected |
| 3 | server3 | Disconnected |
Enter Profile ID or Name: 1
Enter the username: user
Enter the password: ****
sent request to connect new one
$ PIN=000000
$ OTP=123456
$ mydevtool pritunl --password=$PIN$OTP
| ID | Name | Status |
| 1 | server1 | Disconnected |
| 2 | server2 | Disconnected |
| 3 | server3 | Disconnected |
Enter Profile ID or Name: 1
sent request to connect new one
if you would like to generate OTP automatically, try two-factor authentication agent, the agent is I'm used currently.
$ go get -u rsc.io/2fa
$ 2fa -add serv1
2fa key for serv1: ****************
$ PIN=000000
$ mydevtool pritunl --password=$PIN$(2fa serv1)
| ID | Name | Status |
| 1 | server1 | Disconnected |
| 2 | server2 | Disconnected |
| 3 | server3 | Disconnected |
Enter Profile ID or Name: 1
sent request to connect new one