👋 Hi, I’m @Mahesh-Aws-Devops: This is a friendly greeting and introduction to who you are on GitHub. You've mentioned your GitHub username as "@Mahesh-Aws-Devops."
👀 I’m interested in ...: In this section, you would typically list the topics, technologies, or areas that capture your interest. It's a way to let visitors know what you're passionate about and what kind of projects they might expect to find in your repositories.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...: This section is where you can mention the types of projects or collaborations you're open to. It could be specific technologies, open-source projects, or certain types of development tasks. It's an invitation for others to reach out if they're interested in working together.
📫 How to reach me ...: This is where you can share your contact information or preferred communication channels. It could include links to your social media profiles, email address, or other platforms where people can connect with you.