Minkowski Engine is an auto-diff neural network library for high-dimensional sparse tensors
This repository contains the necessary codes driving the InspireHand Dexterous Hand (right one) to open and close based on the feedback of force sensors mounted on every DoF.
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Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator with auto-differentiatiable dynamics models
Quadruped manipulator controller using model predictive control and whole body control based on OCS2
Train a loco-manipulation dog with RL
LRAE: Large-Region-Aware Safe and Fast Autonomous Exploration of Ground Robots for Uneven Terrains, RA-L, 2024
A curated list of awesome robot descriptions (URDF, MJCF)
Awesome Quadrupedal Robots
A Paper List for Humanoid Robot Learning.
NMPC, WBC, state estimation, and sim2real framework for legged robots based on OCS2 and ros-controls