We are using the below services in this assignment.
- We selected 2 AZ for HA.
- We create a VPC.
- We create 2 public subnets, private subnets, database subnets.
- We create internet gateway and attach to VPC.
- We create public route table, private route table, database route table and attach to respective subnets.
- We create EIP and NAT Gateway.
- We add respective routes to all route tables.
- SG
- We create one SG to RDS.
- We create one SG to API ALB.
- We create one SG to Web ALB.
- We create RDS
- We create RDS secret
- We create ACM for API ALB
- We create ACM for Web ALB
- We create ACM for CDN.
- We create API ALB.
- We create Web ALB.
- Route53
- We create one record for API ALB.
- We create one record for Web ALB.
- We create one record for CDN.
- We create one ECS Cluster
- We create ECR repos for API and Web
- We create CloudWatch log group.
- Parameters
- We export all the necessary parameters to SSM parameter store.
Below are things required by applications.
- We create IAM task role and task execution role. These roles should have access to read secret and pull image from repos.
- Respective IAM trust policy and permission polices will be created.
- SG
- We create API ECS SG.
- SG rules will be added to allow traffic only from API ALB.
- SG rule to RDS SG will be added to allow traffic only from API ECS SG.
- We create task definition.
- We create ECS Service.
- We attach ECS Service to API ALB.
- We create ECS CloudWatch Log group.
- We create IAM task role and task execution role. These roles should have access to pull image from repos.
- Respective IAM trust policy and permission polices will be created.
- SG
- We create Web ECS SG.
- SG rules will be added to allow traffic only from Web ALB.
- SG rule to API ALB SG will be added to allow traffic only from ECS Web SG.
- We create task definition.
- We create ECS Service.
- We attach ECS Service to Web ALB.
- We create ECS CloudWatch Log group.
Traffic flow is like below.