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Tags: Maks3w/zf2



Toggle release-2.5.1's commit message
Zend Framework 2.5.1

- [zendframework#7571](zendframework#7571) makes `zend-ldap` an optional dependency instead of a hard dependency, as `zend-ldap` has a hard requirement on `ext-ldap`, blocking installation for many users. If you use `zend-ldap`, you will need to call `composer require zendframework/zend-ldap` after upgrading to 2.5.1.


Toggle release-2.5.0's commit message
Zend Framework 2.5.0

- [7072: Split Framework](zendframework#7072)
- [7095: Drop PHP 5.3 support](zendframework#7095)
- [7119: zendframework#7095 - bumping minimum PHP version requirement to 5.4.0](zendframework#7119)
- [7542: &zendframework#91;WIP&zendframework#92; Make ZF2 a meta-package](zendframework#7542)


Toggle release-2.4.2's commit message
Zend Framework 2.4.2

- [7503: Mail header - boundary issue (related to ZF2015-04)](zendframework#7503)
- [7506: &zendframework#91;mail&zendframework#92; Fix set UTF-8 values to headers. Fix zendframework#7501](zendframework#7506)
- [7507: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Allow serialize any character on cookies](zendframework#7507)
- [7510: &zendframework#91;mail/mime&zendframework#92; Fix content-type has invalid characters in field value. Fix zendframework#7503](zendframework#7510)
- [7512: \Zend\Ldap\Attribute::valueFromLdap catching wrong exception](zendframework#7512)
- [7513: &zendframework#91;ldap&zendframework#92; Fix exceptions while parsing are not captured.](zendframework#7513)
- [7514: &zendframework#91;zendframework#7503&zendframework#92; Pass the `\r\n` sequence to Part::getHeadersAsArray()](zendframework#7514)


Toggle release-2.3.9's commit message
Zend Framework 2.3.9

- [zendframework#7506](zendframework#7506) resolves issues when UTF-8 values are used in Mail headers, particularly addresses.
- [zendframework#7507](zendframework#7507) ensures that array values can be used with cookies.
- [zendframework#7514](zendframework#7514) ensures that multipart MIME messages can be added to `Zend\Mail\Message` instances in such a way that they do not conflict with ZF2015-04.


Toggle release-2.4.1's commit message
Zend Framework 2.4.1

- [7361: Missing parameter annotation in PHPDoc in Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request](zendframework#7361)
- [7376: Fixes DocBlock for BasePath helper in PhpRenderer](zendframework#7376)
- [7378: Change year on comment](zendframework#7378)
- [7380: Remove unused code](zendframework#7380)
- [7383: Fixes typos](zendframework#7383)
- [7391: update composer's branch-alias](zendframework#7391)
- [7392: improvments for Zend\InputFilter](zendframework#7392)
- [7393: implements @todo write more tests for Zend\Ldap\Converter::toLdap()](zendframework#7393)
- [7394: fixed return type on disconnect method in pgsql connection](zendframework#7394)
- [7396: added connection type to allow force new connection](zendframework#7396)
- [7397: &zendframework#91;travis&zendframework#92; Remove some old hacks](zendframework#7397)
- [7398: &zendframework#91;travis&zendframework#92; Enable memcache and redis services](zendframework#7398)
- [7406: Update AutoDiscover.php](zendframework#7406)
- [7407: Sql-query breaks on 2.4.0 compare to 2.3.7](zendframework#7407)
- [7408: Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator can not generate final classes](zendframework#7408)
- [7412: Use === and !== in null checks instead of == and !=](zendframework#7412)
- [7413: increase loop performance by assign count() to variable](zendframework#7413)
- [7415: XMLRPC Incompatibility with HHVM](zendframework#7415)
- [7417: replace self::EOL with PHP&zendframework#95;EOL as AbstractHtmlElement::EOL is deprecated](zendframework#7417)
- [7419: Updated the CA language pack](zendframework#7419)
- [7420: implements tests's @todo of ZendTest\Http\Header\AuthorizationTest](zendframework#7420)
- [7422: Get correct expression string when Zend\Db\Sql\Expression is used](zendframework#7422)
- [7423: Test for percentage sign in Zend\Db\Sql\Expression](zendframework#7423)
- [7425: update variable name : $myParams to $pageParams](zendframework#7425)
- [7426: Fixed form collections with nested fieldsets that implements InputfilterProviderInterface](zendframework#7426)
- [7431: zf7428 fixed issue with inconsistent getTrait() behaviour zendframework#7428](zendframework#7431)
- [7432: update Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php resource file for 2.4](zendframework#7432)
- [7433: Update Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php for "id" for 2.4](zendframework#7433)
- [7436: remove version&zendframework#95;compare check for PHP >=5.3.7](zendframework#7436)
- [7446: bugfix removing multiple fieldsets does't work](zendframework#7446)
- [7451: partialLoop notice zendframework#7450](zendframework#7451)
- [7453: update url to 'current' at](zendframework#7453)
- [7460: Update PHP CS Fixer to v1.7](zendframework#7460)
- [7461: CS: The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be in lower case.](zendframework#7461)
- [7462: CS: single&zendframework#95;line&zendframework#95;after&zendframework#95;imports](zendframework#7462)
- [7468: Replace whitespace in the parameter prefix option passed to AbstractSql::processExpression](zendframework#7468)
- [7474: Implement expected Input::isValid workflow](zendframework#7474)
- [7476: &zendframework#91;test&zendframework#92; Replace assert(True|False) with more appropriate assertions where possible](zendframework#7476)
- [7477: &zendframework#91;travis&zendframework#92; Colorize PHPUnit output (requires PHPUnit ~4.6)](zendframework#7477)
- [7478: &zendframework#91;memory&zendframework#92; isLocked sometimes return integer instead bool](zendframework#7478)
- [7480: &zendframework#91;travis-ci&zendframework#92; HHVM nightly is not supported](zendframework#7480)
- [7481: CS remove unused uses](zendframework#7481)
- [7482: Fix undefined PGSQL&zendframework#95;CONNECT&zendframework#95;ASYNC only present in PHP 5.6](zendframework#7482)
- [7483: &zendframework#91;zendframework#7396&zendframework#92; Functionality only works in PHP >= 5.6](zendframework#7483)
- [7485: &zendframework#91;config&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;test&zendframework#92; Fix assertContains should be assertArrayHasKey](zendframework#7485)
- [7489: Updated phpDoc and removed duplicates](zendframework#7489)
- [7490: mongo: mentions of redis removed](zendframework#7490)
- [7492: &zendframework#91;stdlib&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;test&zendframework#92; Fix Deprecated notice for Non-static method called static](zendframework#7492)
- [7493: &zendframework#91;travis-ci&zendframework#92; Print list of PEAR packages installed and their versions](zendframework#7493)
- [7494: &zendframework#91;db&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;pgsql&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;test&zendframework#92; Fix testDisconnect](zendframework#7494)
- [7495: &zendframework#91;console&zendframework#92; Assert only int error levels are set](zendframework#7495)


- **ZF2015-04**: `Zend\Mail` and `Zend\Http` were both susceptible to CRLF
  Injection Attack vectors (for HTTP, this is often referred to as HTTP Response
  Splitting). Both components were updated to perform header value validations
  to ensure no values contain characters not detailed in their corresponding
  specifications, and will raise exceptions on detection. Each also provides new
  facilities for both validating and filtering header values prior to injecting
  them into header classes.

  If you use either `Zend\Mail` or `Zend\Http` (which includes users of
  `Zend\Mvc`), we recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.3.8's commit message
Zend Framework 2.3.8


- **ZF2015-04**: `Zend\Mail` and `Zend\Http` were both susceptible to CRLF
  Injection Attack vectors (for HTTP, this is often referred to as HTTP Response
  Splitting). Both components were updated to perform header value validations
  to ensure no values contain characters not detailed in their corresponding
  specifications, and will raise exceptions on detection. Each also provides new
  facilities for both validating and filtering header values prior to injecting
  them into header classes.

  If you use either `Zend\Mail` or `Zend\Http` (which includes users of
  `Zend\Mvc`), we recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.4.0's commit message
Zend Framework 2.4.0

- [4122: Update EM->trigerUntil to be an alias of trigger](zendframework#4122)
- [4221: set shared false for view&zendframework#95;helpers doesn't work](zendframework#4221)
- [4726: Add maxLength to ParameterContainer](zendframework#4726)
- [5001: Zend\Db transaction api unification](zendframework#5001)
- [5142: Zend/Db/Sql/Select - implements multiple combine statements](zendframework#5142)
- [5320: Zend\Db\Predicates - allow use different types of arguments in any position](zendframework#5320)
- [5505: Zend db nested transactions](zendframework#5505)
- [5518: Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect custom query for count](zendframework#5518)
- [5600: FlashMessanger escaping](zendframework#5600)
- [5656: undefines indexes on hostname route](zendframework#5656)
- [5683: fix Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\PlatformInterface::quoteIdentifierInFragment](zendframework#5683)
- [5699: Form\View\Helper\FormRow label position gets overwritten by &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;invoke()](zendframework#5699)
- [5701: Db\Sql - cleaning code duplicates](zendframework#5701)
- [5742: Fix for issue zendframework#5699 - Disable label position caching for Zend\View\Helper\FormRow::&zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;invoke()](zendframework#5742)
- [5743: Add auto escape method to Zend\View\Helper\FlashMessenger](zendframework#5743)
- [6058: Timestamp log filter](zendframework#6058)
- [6067: &zendframework#91;BC&zendframework#95;BREAK&zendframework#92; Fixes zendframework#6063](zendframework#6067)
- [6073: Reduced code duplication in FlashMessenger plugin](zendframework#6073)
- [6078: Add MongoDB adapter for Zend\Cache](zendframework#6078)
- [6080: Use AuthenticationServiceInterface as type](zendframework#6080)
- [6084: Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader - Performance improvement zendframework#5716](zendframework#6084)
- [6091: Added map naming strategy for hydrator](zendframework#6091)
- [6095: Wrong @return value in PhpDoc for Sql Update class.](zendframework#6095)
- [6097: Fixed return value for method. zendframework#6095](zendframework#6097)
- [6108: Zend\Test Enable trace error by default](zendframework#6108)
- [6112: Mail transfer encoding binary](zendframework#6112)
- [6113: Mail ContentType handles trailing semicolon properly](zendframework#6113)
- [6137: Zend\Log\Formatter\Xml improvement to handle extra data array](zendframework#6137)
- [6142: Optimize ClassMethods hydrate() for loops and large objects](zendframework#6142)
- [6145: add support number of string in &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;construct of Priority](zendframework#6145)
- [6151: Zend\Filter\Word\SeparatorToCamelCase break on numbers](zendframework#6151)
- [6154: Properly pass context to input filter](zendframework#6154)
- [6156: Fix for zendframework#6151 - Filter breaks on non-alpha characters](zendframework#6156)
- [6161: Fix pattern for mobile phone number](zendframework#6161)
- [6175: Mutable creation options aware trait](zendframework#6175)
- [6178: Enhancement: Do not overwrite requestId if extra already has one](zendframework#6178)
- [6183: Enhancement: Introduce ReferenceId processor](zendframework#6183)
- [6194: Created hydrator strategy chain](zendframework#6194)
- [6196: Added possibility to render view with short reference (added RelativeFallbackResolver).](zendframework#6196)
- [6197: Added array map naming strategy](zendframework#6197)
- [6203: Clean up repeat code by using already implemented AbstractListenerAggreg...](zendframework#6203)
- [6208: zendframework#6207 should be cleaned up for ZF 2.4.0](zendframework#6208)
- [6216: &zendframework#91;travis&zendframework#92; Adds hhvm-nightly](zendframework#6216)
- [6227: Created Explode Strategy for hydrator](zendframework#6227)
- [6232: Fix return type](zendframework#6232)
- [6240: Form\Fieldset use priority list](zendframework#6240)
- [6242: Stdlib\PriorityList fix current and iterator](zendframework#6242)
- [6246:  I18n - Allow custom translation loaders to be injected via module config zendframework#6244](zendframework#6246)
- [6247: Added new base path option specifically for console](zendframework#6247)
- [6252: Add clearByPrefix to Redis Cache Storage](zendframework#6252)
- [6257: Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl Improvements](zendframework#6257)
- [6259: Cache-Storage: make sure a '.post' event will be triggered](zendframework#6259)
- [6267: Support commas in names](zendframework#6267)
- [6268: Make AddressList logic more accessible](zendframework#6268)
- [6271: HTML5 compliant form attributes](zendframework#6271)
- [6274: ZendCode - allow const and property of same name](zendframework#6274)
- [6288: Fixes zendframework#6274 added proper support for constants](zendframework#6288)
- [6289: Created DateTime Formater strategy for hydrator](zendframework#6289)
- [6296: Show actual contents on assert*QueryContentContains](zendframework#6296)
- [6301: Replacing self:: with static:: in Http\Client::setAuth](zendframework#6301)
- [6322: Change "Unknown Error" with current internal list of messages](zendframework#6322)
- [6338: Adding a new static ::fromTime($time) method to AbstractDate](zendframework#6338)
- [6339: Closes issue zendframework#4876 - added support for trait generation and trait scanning](zendframework#6339)
- [6359: Date validator problem vant validate big unix timestamps](zendframework#6359)
- [6367: Added composite hydrator naming strategy](zendframework#6367)
- [6370: FirePhp log writer works incorrectly with extra parameters.](zendframework#6370)
- [6374: add $label parameters to error, warn, info, log methods. issue zendframework#6370](zendframework#6374)
- [6385: \Zend\Http\Request - Uncaught InvalidArgumentException when the request method is not considered valid.](zendframework#6385)
- [6386: Priority system for validators](zendframework#6386)
- [6396: Use data provider in PhoneNumberTest.](zendframework#6396)
- [6399: Fix controller tests to support HTTP PATCH method](zendframework#6399)
- [6403: Removing $class->newInstanceArgs($this->creationOptions) from Zend\Paginator\Adapter\Service\DbSelectFactory ](zendframework#6403)
- [6409: Fix zendframework#6385 Request exception](zendframework#6409)
- [6419: missing dependency for zendframework/zend-feed stand-alone](zendframework#6419)
- [6420: Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator does not accept parameters as array](zendframework#6420)
- [6422: Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator now accepts parameter as array](zendframework#6422)
- [6424: Add missing codes that can be caught by register&zendframework#95;shutdown&zendframework#95;function](zendframework#6424)
- [6431: added method to merge input filters](zendframework#6431)
- [6437: New Template resolver just like PSR-4 autoloader](zendframework#6437)
- [6438: Added the file encryption/decryption to Zend\Crypt](zendframework#6438)
- [6464: Repeal `autocomplete` form attribute being boolean](zendframework#6464)
- [6481: Refactor german (de) Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php](zendframework#6481)
- [6496: zendframework#6386 Add Priority system for validators](zendframework#6496)
- [6523: Hydrator Strategy to extract and hydrate Boolean values](zendframework#6523)
- [6534: PHPCS fixes for Zend\Db](zendframework#6534)
- [6538: PHPCS fixes for Zend\Escaper](zendframework#6538)
- [6540: PHPCS fixes for Zend\Valiator](zendframework#6540)
- [6545: Add UpperCaseWords filter](zendframework#6545)
- [6552: Remove double dots from cache path without keys](zendframework#6552)
- [6553: Method for adding extra identifiers to Abstract Controller Event Manager](zendframework#6553)
- [6556: DDL component fixes](zendframework#6556)
- [6560:  AbstractAdapter::getItem() should return null, if the item cannot be retrieved](zendframework#6560)
- [6568: Add failing test for encoded routes with a query](zendframework#6568)
- [6570: Add ability to set SMTP envelope addresses](zendframework#6570)
- [6571: Allow HTTP client configuration to be supplied when using ClientStatic](zendframework#6571)
- [6572: Rem unneeded factories ( ViewFeedRendererFactory and ViewJsonRendererFactory )](zendframework#6572)
- [6574: Fixes zendframework#6403](zendframework#6574)
- [6580: remove double suggest block at Zend\Version\composer.json](zendframework#6580)
- [6581: activate commented Exception in Validator/Between::&zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;construct](zendframework#6581)
- [6592: Remove Identical validator type hint](zendframework#6592)
- [6604: PATCH request test (Zend\Test\PHPUnit\Controller)](zendframework#6604)
- [6613: Deprecate &zendframework#91;Global&zendframework#92;EventManager::triggerUntil()](zendframework#6613)
- [6615: Add controller's implemented interfaces to its shared event manager default identifiers](zendframework#6615)
- [6621: Use hash&zendframework#95;equals for constant-time string comparison](zendframework#6621)
- [6646: Added password prompt to Console](zendframework#6646)
- [6656: A getElements method has been added to DateSelect and MonthSelect which ...](zendframework#6656)
- [6657: bugfix unfolding email multi-line header ](zendframework#6657)
- [6667: Added "zendframework/zend-filter" into suggest at Zend\Stdlib](zendframework#6667)
- [6669: Support subscribing to folders in IMAP](zendframework#6669)
- [6675: Fixed the unit tests on Windows. The /tmp folder doesn't exist so we sho...](zendframework#6675)
- [6678: Timezone validator](zendframework#6678)
- [6679: TemplateWrapper getter](zendframework#6679)
- [6682: PHPCS fixes for Zend\XmlRpc](zendframework#6682)
- [6683: PHPCS fixes for Zend\Uri](zendframework#6683)
- [6691: fixed removing handled header parts from response header](zendframework#6691)
- [6709: HtmlTag helper](zendframework#6709)
- [6712: Added form annotation builder factory](zendframework#6712)
- [6731: fix for FilesSize validator usage with Input](zendframework#6731)
- [6734: Remove PHPCov dependency via VCS composer repository](zendframework#6734)
- [6740: Fix for Zend\Db\TableGateway: Alias for table zendframework#6726](zendframework#6740)
- [6746: Di runtime definition optimisation - Cache result of processing and inline the check](zendframework#6746)
- [6747: DI definition list optimisation - Cache classes upfront where possible to reduce iterations](zendframework#6747)
- [6752: Added ability to specify label position as an element label option](zendframework#6752)
- [6753: Input filter annotation fix](zendframework#6753)
- [6754: Added preserve&zendframework#95;defined&zendframework#95;order flag to annotation builder](zendframework#6754)
- [6756: implements @todo for setters/getters at Zend\Mime\Part](zendframework#6756)
- [6757: implements @todo for getFileName() from path at Zend\Code\Reflection\FileReflection](zendframework#6757)
- [6758: add getAdapterInstance() that return adapter instance at Zend\Filter\Encrypt](zendframework#6758)
- [6775: Add options to mail file](zendframework#6775)
- [6783: Added continueIfEmpty annotation to Zend Form](zendframework#6783)
- [6786: Fixes zendframework#4221 : set shared false for view&zendframework#95;helpers should create new instance](zendframework#6786)
- [6790: Test/Db/Adapter/Platform/SqlServerTest restore&zendframework#95;error&zendframework#95;handler();](zendframework#6790)
- [6799: Zend\Db: Allow adding native predicates to sql queries, respecting nextPredicateCombineOrder](zendframework#6799)
- [6800: Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\Predicate: $nextPredicateCombineOperator + addPredicate() not working](zendframework#6800)
- [6801: fix unit tests for Windows](zendframework#6801)
- [6808: Paginator item counts for empty result sets are inaccurate](zendframework#6808)
- [6809: Corrects firstItemCount for empty result sets](zendframework#6809)
- [6812: Zend\Paginator\Paginator's  getItem() trigger an "Fatal error: ..." ](zendframework#6812)
- [6817: Fixes zendframework#6812 : Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect::getItems should return array](zendframework#6817)
- [6827: Fix inability to translate to languages which don't have plural forms](zendframework#6827)
- [6829: coveralls coverage doesnot work on latest travis build](zendframework#6829)
- [6833: &zendframework#91;Zend\ServiceManager&zendframework#92; Improve error handling in the abstract plugin manager](zendframework#6833)
- [6838: QuoteValueList for MySql platform fails with multiple empty values.](zendframework#6838)
- [6839: Fixes bug zendframework#6838, quoteValueList fails with multiple empty values.](zendframework#6839)
- [6850: Removed impossible condition](zendframework#6850)
- [6856: Soap Connection Timeout](zendframework#6856)
- [6863: Fixes CS in develop in latest travis build : unused use](zendframework#6863)
- [6864: Broken develop branch](zendframework#6864)
- [6866: &zendframework#91;Console&zendframework#92; ViewManager hides exceptions in console](zendframework#6866)
- [6870: Hostname route should throw an exception if route definition contains disallowed character](zendframework#6870)
- [6874: Fixes CS on latest develop as php-cs-fixer updated to 1.*](zendframework#6874)
- [6884: Stdlib\Options: Misc enhancements ](zendframework#6884)
- [6885: Fixes CS in latest develop](zendframework#6885)
- [6886: Set user and password in Http class](zendframework#6886)
- [6890: allow use differents Adapter for build SqlObjects via Db\Sql (v2)](zendframework#6890)
- [6894: standard hydrator idea](zendframework#6894)
- [6899: Abilty to remove key during merge](zendframework#6899)
- [6903: Ability to replace key in ArrayUtils::merge](zendframework#6903)
- [6909: phpunit 4.x, phpcov 2.x (see zendframework#6029)](zendframework#6909)
- [6912: Hotfix: zendframework#6386 zendframework#6496 validator chain merge type mismatch](zendframework#6912)
- [6924: fix BC for zendframework#6890](zendframework#6924)
- [6930: allow to filter the templates by extension in the templatemap generator](zendframework#6930)
- [6931: Added consts for left and right outer joins](zendframework#6931)
- [6934: create a new file if mode is append and the file does not exist](zendframework#6934)
- [6940: Fixes CS on latest build on develop : braces](zendframework#6940)
- [6942: Update phpunit to 4.0.0 in, tests/Bootstrap.php, and Zend\Test\composer.json](zendframework#6942)
- [6951: PR for zendframework#6866 - Allow console specific view manager configuration](zendframework#6951)
- [6956: Move error view model generation methods to abstract controller](zendframework#6956)
- [6962: New Whitelist / Blacklist Filter](zendframework#6962)
- [6963: Feature/zendframework#6441 prefix path resolver](zendframework#6963)
- [6969: Remove unused code ](zendframework#6969)
- [6970: &zendframework#91;ZendTest\View\Helper&zendframework#92; - Fix setUp configuration](zendframework#6970)
- [6983: test digest response is validated](zendframework#6983)
- [7003: Fixing prepended `NotEmpty` validator](zendframework#7003)
- [7004: add and apply function&zendframework#95;call&zendframework#95;space fixer for PHP CS Fixer](zendframework#7004)
- [7010: Add support for providers in InputFilter factory](zendframework#7010)
- [7014: CS: `return` instead of `return null`](zendframework#7014)
- [7015: Found bugs in  `Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl` classes and tests](zendframework#7015)
- [7016: Adapt Json\Json for better prettyPrint support](zendframework#7016)
- [7020: Documenation fixes in eventmanager](zendframework#7020)
- [7021: CS: join to implode](zendframework#7021)
- [7024: CS: There MUST be one use keyword per declaration.](zendframework#7024)
- [7025: CS: Removes line breaks between use statements.](zendframework#7025)
- [7026: CS: There MUST be one blank line after the namespace declaration.](zendframework#7026)
- [7027: CS: There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis. There MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis.](zendframework#7027)
- [7028: CS: .php&zendframework#95;cs - add standardize&zendframework#95;not&zendframework#95;equal fixer](zendframework#7028)
- [7029: CS: In method arguments and method call, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma and there MUST be one space after each comma.](zendframework#7029)
- [7031: use of undefined variable in Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Apc::internalGetMetadatas()](zendframework#7031)
- [7032: fixed zendframework#7031: use of undefined variable in ZendCacheStorageAdapterApc](zendframework#7032)
- [7034: MongoDB to MongoDb](zendframework#7034)
- [7037: &zendframework#91;ZendTest\Mvc&zendframework#92; Fix setUp configuration](zendframework#7037)
- [7038: &zendframework#91;Db\Sql\Platform\Mysql\Ddl&zendframework#92; override getSqlString() is wrong](zendframework#7038)
- [7039: Cache: better fix for zendframework#5860 introduced in zendframework#5863](zendframework#7039)
- [7043: Cache: better compatibility with APCu](zendframework#7043)
- [7046: Retrieve the InjectTemplateListener from the service manager.](zendframework#7046)
- [7049: CS: Remove trailing whitespace the end of blank lines.](zendframework#7049)
- [7050: PHP CS Fixer - correct link](zendframework#7050)
- [7052: .php&zendframework#95;cs - add encoding fixer](zendframework#7052)
- [7053: CS: PHP keywords MUST be in lower case](zendframework#7053)
- [7056: Refactoring and bugfixes for InputFilter component](zendframework#7056)
- [7057: Travis - show PHP CS Fixer diff](zendframework#7057)
- [7067: Travis: running more tests for cache component](zendframework#7067)
- [7071: Documentation improvements Zend/DB](zendframework#7071)
- [7073: UnderscoreToCamelCase fails with digits](zendframework#7073)
- [7075: Improving readability, removing redundancies on RBAC](zendframework#7075)
- [7079:  Fixes CS latest build on travis : develop](zendframework#7079)
- [7081: try fix travis cs develop again](zendframework#7081)
- [7091: Added Checkbox Console Prompt and its tests](zendframework#7091)
- [7092: zendframework#7055 - stricter validation of `TableIdentifier` parameters](zendframework#7092)
- [7097: removed unused import](zendframework#7097)
- [7102: Add Kosovo phone number specifications](zendframework#7102)
- [7104: DataUnitFormatter filter](zendframework#7104)
- [7105: WindowsAnsicon - fix docs](zendframework#7105)
- [7106: UriTest - fix phpdoc](zendframework#7106)
- [7120: Added trailing comma for multiline arrays](zendframework#7120)
- [7121: Feature: Added sslverifypeer to curl adapter](zendframework#7121)
- [7122: Paginator Iterator](zendframework#7122)
- [7124: Interface for the Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader](zendframework#7124)
- [7125: Adding ImportInterface for Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader](zendframework#7125)
- [7128: SessionManagerFactory + session validators via config makes validation always fail](zendframework#7128)
- [7141: Implement BcryptSha Hashing & Harden Verification Checks](zendframework#7141)
- [7152: Fixes zendframework#4936](zendframework#7152)
- [7153: Disabling XDebug when not computing coverage](zendframework#7153)
- [7159: Use getEncoding() instead of accessing options array directly](zendframework#7159)
- [7163: Fix typos in inArray validators phpdoc](zendframework#7163)
- [7164: .php&zendframework#95;cs - add few rules](zendframework#7164)
- [7171: Reset password value on $form->prepare()](zendframework#7171)
- [7176: Update PostCode.php](zendframework#7176)
- [7177: Oracle quoting fix for values with single quotes](zendframework#7177)
- [7178: Fixes zendframework#7136 : add ext-ldap as required extension in Ldap\composer.json](zendframework#7178)
- [7181: Remove hidden TaggableInterface dependencies from paginator](zendframework#7181)
- [7182: update copyright year to 2015 that still uses 2013 in "develop"](zendframework#7182)
- [7183: update copyright year to 2015 that still uses 2013 in "master"](zendframework#7183)
- [7184: FormButton $buttonContent parameter is now translated](zendframework#7184)
- [7188: fix test pattern in FormDateTimeSelectTest::testCanRenderTextDelimiters](zendframework#7188)
- [7189: add test for nested glob patterns](zendframework#7189)
- [7190: Test for array of PDO connection params](zendframework#7190)
- [7194: fix some of the documentation errors](zendframework#7194)
- [7201: Additional tests for zf-code](zendframework#7201)
- [7203: Cache: fix mongo options](zendframework#7203)
- [7210: Added fix to prevent method lines to be intended again and again](zendframework#7210)
- [7213: Error in FirePhp log writer](zendframework#7213)
- [7215: replace is&zendframework#95;a() with instanceof](zendframework#7215)
- [7222: Db\Sql\Select.php processJoins quote identifier error](zendframework#7222)
- [7225: Fix for zendframework#7219 - Validation failure fr-CH in testValidationFailures](zendframework#7225)
- [7231: Skip tests in ZendTest\View if ext-intl is not installed](zendframework#7231)
- [7232: Remove unnecessary ternary operators](zendframework#7232)
- [7233: Detect https on reversed proxy](zendframework#7233)
- [7235: Fixing Docblock return type for &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;invoke](zendframework#7235)
- [7239: Fixes zendframework#7238 : Logger::log() exception message](zendframework#7239)
- [7240: Feature: Zend\Mvc\HttpMethodListener](zendframework#7240)
- [7241: Removed non existing curl options](zendframework#7241)
- [7242: Add flexibility to FlashMessenger by determining hops as parameter.](zendframework#7242)
- [7245: &zendframework#91;Navigation&zendframework#92; Introducing NavigationAbstractServiceFactory](zendframework#7245)
- [7247: Add input&zendframework#95;filter&zendframework#95;specs feature from zfcampus/zf-content-validation and associated tests](zendframework#7247)
- [7248: Remove CURLOPT&zendframework#95;POSTFIELDS from set of invalid curl options](zendframework#7248)
- [7251: Fixed tests for quoteValue() methods in all Platform classes](zendframework#7251)
- [7254: Ship a StandaloneExtensionManager for Zend\Feed\Reader](zendframework#7254)
- [7255: Added $data param to deleteList](zendframework#7255)
- [7256: fixed count error in config class](zendframework#7256)
- [7258: Db Platform refactoring](zendframework#7258)
- [7259: Override reason phrase by changing status code](zendframework#7259)
- [7262: DateStep time for moscow fixes zendframework#7261](zendframework#7262)
- [7264: Updated GB postcode regex to assert start and end positions for middle a...](zendframework#7264)
- [7267: DBA inifile is not supported for caching](zendframework#7267)
- [7275: zendframework#7222 processJoins quote identifier error fix](zendframework#7275)
- [7276: Adds preserve defined order as a factory option](zendframework#7276)
- [7277: Date select filter](zendframework#7277)
- [7281: Fix: Email Validator vs IDN](zendframework#7281)
- [7282: Fix: Array to string conversion in Zend\Log\Writer\Db](zendframework#7282)
- [7285: Fixed documentation on $path property](zendframework#7285)
- [7287: AbstractOptions isset issue, zendframework#7286](zendframework#7287)
- [7290: Allow literal zero string as sql expression](zendframework#7290)
- [7292: Fix call to method not in ExpressionInterface](zendframework#7292)
- [7294: Feature/log writer mail factory](zendframework#7294)
- [7295: Zend\Http\Header\GenericHeader introduces BC break](zendframework#7295)
- [7296: Fix infinite loop when chaining peering service managers](zendframework#7296)
- [7299: Fix reflection for one line docblocks](zendframework#7299)
- [7303: update TLD list](zendframework#7303)
- [7307: Automatic TLDs update for Zend\Validator\Hostname](zendframework#7307)
- [7309: Hotfix/additional form options error case](zendframework#7309)
- [7310: Callback Authentication Adapter](zendframework#7310)
- [7311: Using TableGateway::insert() fails when table has an alias](zendframework#7311)
- [7314: add getter method for object prototype to Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet](zendframework#7314)
- [7315: array&zendframework#95;filter compatibility](zendframework#7315)
- [7325: Changed fileprg annotation to type hint on FormInterface](zendframework#7325)
- [7326: added doc-block @ Zend\InputFilter\InputInterface](zendframework#7326)
- [7327: Rbac callback assertion](zendframework#7327)
- [7328: Acl callback assertion](zendframework#7328)
- [7329: added basic support for digest authentication on curl adapters](zendframework#7329)
- [7332: Zend\Http\Client sends content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded with GET request](zendframework#7332)
- [7334: feature: add bcrypt support to apache http basic auth](zendframework#7334)
- [7336: Allowing the route match controller to override the controller class](zendframework#7336)
- [7340: Fix testing issues under 5.3](zendframework#7340)
- [7341: Set disabled attribute also on checkbox hidden element](zendframework#7341)
- [7342: Do not throw exception when isset is used on AbstractOptions existing object variable](zendframework#7342)
- [7343: Pdo fetch mode support](zendframework#7343)
- [7345: use the target host and not the proxy host in the client hello request](zendframework#7345)
- [7346: Add missing return statement.](zendframework#7346)
- [7353: Added flag UNSEEN in Zend\Mail\Storage.](zendframework#7353)
- [7354: Added test for Validator\IsInstanceOf passed $options without "className" key](zendframework#7354)
- [7355: update "ircmaxell/random-lib" version to fix travis's composer install error](zendframework#7355)
- [7358: Explode validator provides context to composed validator](zendframework#7358)
- [7359: Missing return statement in PHPDoc in AbstractNavigationFactory](zendframework#7359)
- [7362: Fixed the unit tests for Filter OpenSSL](zendframework#7362)
- [7364: Switch to PSR-4](zendframework#7364)
- [7366: PHP 7 on Travis-CI (re-redux)](zendframework#7366)
- [7369: Composer update to 2.4-RC3](zendframework#7369)
- [7374: Adjust ContentType regex to allow quoted strings and equals](zendframework#7374)
- [7375: Correcting](zendframework#7375)


Toggle release-2.4.0rc7's commit message
Zend Framework 2.4.0rc7

This release is a pre-release only, and not intended for production!
Use for testing purposes only, and report any issues ASAP to:



Toggle release-2.4.0rc6's commit message
ZendFramework 2.4.0rc6

This release is a pre-release only, and not intended for production!
Use for testing purposes only, and report any issues ASAP to:



Toggle release-2.4.0rc5's commit message
Zend Framework 2.4.0rc5

This release is a pre-release only, and not intended for production!
Use for testing purposes only, and report any issues ASAP to:
