Covid-19 has been affecting us since the last one and a half years. We thought it would be a good idea to come up with a web app which would provide all your requirements regarding covid in one place. Our Co-Fight app contains links to all the important portals like CoWin, Who and MoHFW. It also contains a visualisation of vaccinations , a Covid Tracker, a Vaccination visualization. It also contains a self assessment page where you can check about your risk of Covid infection.
Corona Virus has affected our lives really bad. During this time while we sit at our home we thought to make a collection of all important sites which will guide everyone in fighting Covid-19 and will also make our lives easier. Co-fight tries to fulfil that need.
- Link to important Covid-related sites like WHO, MOHFW, CoWin.
- A Covid tracker application to give you idea of the number of cases and recoveries daily.
- A Vaccination visualization which will give you an idea about the number of vaccine doses being administered.
HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Material UI
- Building app in 2 days.
- Collaborating with members virtually.
- Making the tracker apps using React.
- Implementing design using Material UI.
- We plan on improving the app's functionalities and design
- We plan on providing a user interface for signing in and implement user authentication.
- We can also maintain medical logs of users.
- Devtanu Misra
- Abhinaba Chowdhury
- Sayak Rana
- Malay Gain