Using names to generate beautiful abstract visuals.
Our names are a very integral part of our lives, yet we don’t get to choose them. They are influenced by various factors such as race, religion and socio-economic status, infact it is this same influence that makes them so important. Our names control our lives in ways we can’t fathom.
In this project I have coded a system that when given a name, generates a unique visual identity.
This would classify under Generative Art, an autonomous system which is generally one that is non-human and can independently determine features of an artwork that would otherwise require decisions made directly by the artist. In a professional environment these generated visual could perhaps be used as an identity card.
Center Shape
The center shape of the visual is decided from the first alphabet of the name.
Upper Shape
Does the name start and end with the same letter?
Yes - Downward Arrows
No - Diamond -
Lower Shape
Is the total number of alphabets in the name odd or even?
Odd - One Diamond
Even - Two Diamonds -
Circles In Orbiting Ring
No. of circle orbiting in the Outer ring are determined by the number of vowels in the name.